TP - Family politics

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Mon Oct 19 11:49:51 CDT 2015

Great find....congrats.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 11:22 AM, matthew cissell <mccissell at> wrote:
>     It has been speculated (sorry, I can't remember where right now)
> that the line in CL49 about Oedipa being "young republican" might be
> autobiographical to some extent. I've also heard it speculated that
> Pynchon's father 'almost certainly' was republican since the GOP
> controlled Nassau Co back then. ("The Suburb Reader" by Becky
> Nicolaides and ANdrew Weise offers some insight; also "Machine
> Politics Suburban Style", more specifically about Nassau County.) But
> I had never come across anything firm, until today.
>    Poking around I came across some hits and one of them linked Nixon
> papers in which Thomas R. Pynchon senior appears. Seems that in 1960
> Tricky D had to pass through Nassau where on Sept 28th he met sith
> some local GOP rank and file and TRP sr is listed as "Republican
> Leader Town of Oyster Bay".
>    Of course thanks to all the hard working Pynchon scholars we know
> that TP jr was well out of the house and on his way from NY to the
> west coast at about this time - getting hip to jazz, opera, and so
> much more.
> ciao
> mc otis
> -
> Pynchon-l /
Pynchon-l /

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