Re: What Do We Really Know About Osama bin Laden’s Death?

David Kilroy thesaintgodard at
Fri Oct 23 22:25:08 CDT 2015

If we don't care about due process then why even bother having courts.
Let's devolve to the stocks in the town square. I'm sick of this
cheapjack slandering of liberalism as an unrealistic and infantile
response. A true punishment for Bin Laden would have been to rot in
max isolation for the remainder of his vile life, locked away from
human contact until he became as much of a parodic cipher as Manson.
I'M a liberal and that's what I wanted: a public trial, a public
examination of the evidence, and a real punishment. He got off easy
with a bullet. Meanwhile Gitmo has untried combatants-out-of-uniform
and, quite likely, scapegoats who are denied humane treatment and
human contact-- for WHAT crimes, precisely? Will we ever know? Our
public morality is so predicated on an Us vs. Them dialectic yet we
refuse to actively engage with fact, preferring broad strokes of the
brush: and it's as much conservatives as liberals who are guilty of
such chintzy, slapdash rhetorical portraiture. I want my villains to
be PROVEN of their crimes, dammit. What's weak, foolish or delusional
about that? Stop chucking liberals in with cloudcuckooland conspiracy
theorists, please.

On 10/23/15, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> Just watched Citzenfour. Snowden is a hero.
> I don't care that OBL was "murdered" by the U.S sans legality. That kind of
> PC thinking is partly why liberals are considered squishy on National
> Defense. If your argument goes into "we did 9-11," then you've lost me
> completely.  I know why that scenario is preposterous. That kind of
> controlled demolition in an occupied building would be impossible to hide.
> Impossible for occupants to ignore explosives next to columns in their
> cubicles and offices.  That conspiracy requires ignorance of real details.
> Please stop being that ignorant.
> David Morris
> On Friday, October 23, 2015, David Kilroy <thesaintgodard at> wrote:
>> "We are simply not a good as we were when [Israel] put Nazis on trial. We
>> have no high ground, if we aver did. "
>> No, we [America] have no high ground.  Nonetheless it grates that we
>> refuse to behave as anything other than vengeful hypocrites.
>> I'm used to it.  That doesn't mean I, or anyone else, should keep mum
>> about it being a disgusting, shameful state of affairs.  To do anything
>> less is to accept the complicity every government seems intent on
>> foisting
>> on its citizenry.  You want to accept it as the natural state of affairs,
>> that's your choice.  But what, exactly, are you accomplishing by pointing
>> blindly into the ether & endeavoring to shame others for caring about the
>> rule of law?
>> That "get used to it" at the end reads like "cynicism is the only
>> acceptable response" which is chickenshit, sorry.  We need ideals to aim
>> for, otherwise we might as well all retire to the study to fellate papa's
>> Webley.
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