Re: What Do We Really Know About Osama bin Laden’s Death?

ish mailian ishmailian at
Sat Oct 24 07:53:12 CDT 2015

Who would try OBL and who would hold him in the isolated prison?
By what authority? By what principles? Laws?

Certainly the USA could not give OBL a fair trial. Nor could his own

So some international tribunal would be charged with providing a public
trial. Where? Who would fund it? How public would it be? Cameras? Who would
carry out the sentences? Hold the man in prison?

It can't help becoming a political show trial.

If Obama were tried in the same court under the same laws, principles and
authority, he too would be convicted, but he won't be charged;  even if he
were, he would not go to a trial, would never go to prison, even if he were
found guilty of genocide.  Who decides who else would be charged? Go to

The law is far from perfect, the courts are corrupted by politics and
money, are biased and fail the most vulnerable as they enrich and empower
the rich and powerful. but we need and want due process, a judicial system
that, while flawed, functions.

We can't have that in this case. Not for OBL.

He got off easy. So did we.

And that, sometimes is for the best. I know, the easy way is a slippery
slope to all that the law needs to defend us against, but so it goes....and
get used to it.

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 6:25 PM, David Kilroy <thesaintgodard at>

> "We are simply not a good as we were when [Israel] put Nazis on trial. We
> have no high ground, if we aver did. "
> No, we [America] have no high ground.  Nonetheless it grates that we
> refuse to behave as anything other than vengeful hypocrites.
> I'm used to it.  That doesn't mean I, or anyone else, should keep mum
> about it being a disgusting, shameful state of affairs.  To do anything
> less is to accept the complicity every government seems intent on foisting
> on its citizenry.  You want to accept it as the natural state of affairs,
> that's your choice.  But what, exactly, are you accomplishing by pointing
> blindly into the ether & endeavoring to shame others for caring about the
> rule of law?
> That "get used to it" at the end reads like "cynicism is the only
> acceptable response" which is chickenshit, sorry.  We need ideals to aim
> for, otherwise we might as well all retire to the study to fellate papa's
> Webley.
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