BtZ42, p.17: sandbagged
ish mailian
ishmailian at
Thu Apr 7 18:29:33 CDT 2016
A myth Pynchon uses.
On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 7:23 AM, Kai Frederik Lorentzen
<lorentzen at> wrote:
>> and that the Germans used the Baedeker
> stars to select targets to bomb <
> This is a myth.
> It's based on a quote by Gustav Braun von Stumm who said in a press
> conference on 4/24/42:
> „Now the Luftwaffe will go for every building which is marked with three
> stars in Baedeker“ („Jetzt wird die Luftwaffe jedes Gebäude mit drei Sternen
> im Baedeker angreifen“)
> Thing just is that there were no three-stars-marks in the Baedeker, neither
> in the edition from 1937, nor ever before. Even two stars were rare, and
> cities like Exeter, Bath or Norwich did not belong in that category.
>> Von Stumms Äußerung war in der Sache falsch, da die Vergabe von drei
>> Sternen in Baedeker-Reiseführern gar nicht vorkam, auch nicht bei der 1937
>> erschienenen letzten Auflage des Reisehandbuchs für Großbritannien vor 1945.
>> <
> On 07.04.2016 12:41, ish mailian wrote:
> Slothrop's use of stars instead of pins might be his own way of telling
> Death to fuck off. Something fun happened here. Atta girl!
> Just another thing to add to the very insightful and wonderful reading
> of LK here. It's been noted that Baedecker used stars to rate the
> tourist locations in England and that the Germans used the Baedecker
> stars to select targets to bomb. Pynchon, of course, also used the
> Baedecker, and, as he developed from V. to GR, while P continued to
> make use of the useful books, critiqued it as a product the Elect's
> politics and history in/of Europe.
> see
> A Supernatural History of Destruction; or, Thomas Pynchon's Berlin
> Eric Bulson
> New German Critique
> No. 110, COLD WAR CULTURE (Summer 2010), pp. 49-72
> Published by: Duke University Press
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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