NP but themes are everywhere. re Abbas Kiarostrami

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sat Apr 30 04:58:38 CDT 2016

I just saw this filmmaker's A Taste of Cherry. Loved it but this post
is just to point to a scene that is so Pynchon thematic [not to say
he was influenced by, although this is the filmmaker who put abbreviated
into a movie].

Our protagonist is driving along new brick and dirt construction roads
winding up and down high hills being 'developed' when one wheel slips over
an edge and he is stuck in place. How can the car get back on the road, we
think, here w
one lane and nothing?
The hills are alive with workers, a whole group of which just stop and flow
like human ants---
we get a long deep take and the ant comparison is positive , about a whole
of coordinated beings who swarm around the car and smiling and laughing
lift it right
off its imprisoned axle and dangling wheel back the the roadway. No words,
no organization of
effort necessary.

Pynchon's natural human anarchistic moments of togetherness.......

Also, this movie's ending, by one of the reportedly most literary of
directors could
have had the ambiguity of Lot 49's ending behind its influence, I suggest.
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