made relevant to Pynchon

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sun Aug 7 17:22:07 CDT 2016

I have just seen an Ai Weiwei exhibit smartly
interhung with Andy Warhol works at Andy's museum.

I only knew him from journalism stuff....hardly at all as an artist
just some of his courageous political beliefs and challenges.

Turn a corner and see a beautiful light-colored marble surveillance camera
and realize that that is quite a nice statement of the permanence---those
monuments--of that state.   As well as the ingenuity of jade sculpture
hadcuffsa--that olde
substance of high royalty.

and there is a picture....a kind of selfie where he is on an elevator after
being arrested
at 3 AM before he was scheduled to testify for a colleague in a political
trial---he is holding the
camera high, partially in front of part of his forehead....the elevator is
full of jockeying
policemen....and there is large irregular white flash (from the back of the
elevator, I guess) over his
head...reminding of the light bulb in interrogation rooms or in the
Christian tradition,
also the the Paraclete, the Word.

It is called ILLUMINATION. Love it.   lots more

Also, if you ever go to the Warhol, I'll alert you to a Kozy Koincidence
involving me, sorta.
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