Fred Ward

Mike Weaver mike.weaver at
Sun Feb 21 16:02:38 CST 2016

Jochen's and my little exchange about Miami Blues, led  me to a review 
of a very obscure Fred Ward film, UFOria 
<> which looks rather good but is 
another one to add to my list of films never to make it to DVD. Does 
anyone know it? Is it as good as Roger Ebert thought?

On 21/02/2016 12:22, Jochen Stremmel wrote:
> Yes, quite a good movie, and JJ Leigh was outstanding!
> Did you know that the actor who played Hoke Moseley made the film happen?
> For anybody who knows the book and the "rotten" haiku in the middle 
> (after which the blithe psychopath modelled the one that serves as 
> motto for the novel) I have an email exchange attached.
> 2016-02-21 13:13 GMT+01:00 Mike Weaver <mike.weaver at 
> <mailto:mike.weaver at>>:
>     Good film <> as well as book. 
>     Jennifer Jason Leigh in that and Hateful 8, what a contrast.
>     On 21/02/2016 11:20, Jochen Stremmel wrote:
>>     Frederick J. Frenger, Jr., a blithe psychopath from California,
>>     asked the flight attendant in first class for another glass of
>>     champagne and some writing materials.

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