P's Parents and the Parents in "yhe Secret Integration and Ernie in BE too

ish mailian ishmailian at gmail.com
Mon Feb 29 14:50:50 CST 2016

Slander. Maybe too strong a word.  Maybe not. The too often repeated
rumors about P's parents are that P's mother drank and that P  once
quipped, whilst introducing a Jewish friend to his mother, that the
lad, a Cornell chum and source of said gossip,  was Jewish, and that
he told the boy, flippantly, that his mother was an anti-Semite. Was
she? A strong allegation. Not much evidence. Got any more evidence
than Jules's allegations? You do some research and tell me. If
youcan't find any more I think slander is not too strong You decide.
Seems to me that P's mother deserves the benefit of the doubt. That if
the Pyndustry has nothing more than this repeated story from a dubious
source they should stop  repeating the rumor or get more evidence to
substantiate it.

Everybody knows all about P's old man and his jobs. It's public. As
Bob Dylan sez, What else can ya show me?

On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 7:40 AM, matthew cissell <mccissell at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ish,
> I have inquired lately along these lines and it would seem that you are
> addressing my posts, so please allow me to respond.
>   "Same old slaner [sic]" Really? Slander? Can you explain that? "Old
> gossip"?
>   IF you bother to do some research, you will find that Pynchon's father was
> not just part of the LI GOP but had a fairly important position and even met
> with Nixon in 1960 while he was still VP. (I'll attach a PDF, you can look
> on page 8 and find Thomas R. Pynchon listed as "Republican Leader", but
> perhaps your ignorance of Nassau Co. politics of the time might limit
> yourunderstanding of the significance of the document. He was more than just
> a party member.) Fact, not slander.
> Gee, I guess it's not gossip that his father was a conservative fellow. Do
> you still think that I am somehow slandering either Mr. Pynchon or his
> father's name?
> As for Pynchon's mother, I have never claimed she was anti-semitic (although
> that was fairly commmon among US catholics, just go see about Father
> Coughlin) nor that she drank, that came from Boris Kachka's piece which is
> hardly decades old or gossip - unless, of course, you have a very
> idiosyncratic definition of slander and gossip.
> I don't really understand the natrue of your diatribe nor your desire to
> cast aspersions on the work of others - is that the only way you coud think
> of opening your post? I suppose it is normal now in the Info Age to hide
> behind keyboards and nics. Right, Ish?
> My posts are not based on gossip nor do they constitute slander.
> Oh, and your final spin: "how he may have come to forgive them their
> politics, good church going boy that he was and all," has nothing to do with
> my posts or claims. It struck me as inane and child-Ish.
> Keep trying.
> Agur,
> Matthew C. Cissell
> On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 7:40 PM, ish mailian <ishmailian at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So recently a thread about P's parents repeated the same old slaner
>> about his mother and father, the same old stupid gossip heard decades
>> ago about how his mom, a catholic,  hated Jews and how she drank and
>> how his old man was a Nassau county conservative and how he may have
>> come to forgive them their politics, good church going boy that he was
>> and all.
>> But the fiction does deal in parents and in kids a lot. Not just the
>> so-called family stage of his career but all of it. And one common
>> enough theme is how the parents try to impose their political
>> ideologies on their kids throug education and books and media. And the
>> treatment of young minds as childish, and the treatment of Blacks and
>> Others as Objects, as Problems, as pawns in the game.
>> I mentioned this TSI essay, a damn fine essay on the subject so here
>> is the citation.
>> Boulter, Joe. "Children and Slaves in the West: Imagining Fraternity
>> Among Outlaws in 'The Secret Integration'."Oklahoma City University
>> Law Review 24.3 (Fall 1999): 518-533.
>> -
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