GR translation: some kind of brain nausea here

Monte Davis montedavis49 at
Sun Jul 10 05:30:04 CDT 2016

"lips compressing" = the expert's little moue of distaste at the need to
explain the most basic things. I visualize it here as quick, automatic, and
unconscious because Sir Stephen isn't really a bad sort.

But Slothrop often dodges these class signals (and other social power
by being oblivious: he doesn't know he's supposed to be abashed and
wouldn't care of he did. The narrator adds a countermove with his sarcastic
clinical note: "poor Dodson-Truck, apparently some topics such as German
runes trigger a reflexive facial spasm...somk kind of brain nausea here,

On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 1:47 AM, Mike Jing < at>

> V206.19-25, P208.37-209.6   “Recall your ancient German runes,”
> suggests Sir Stephen Dodson-Truck, who is from the Foreign Office
> P.I.D. and speaks 33 languages including English with a strong Oxonian
> blither to it.
>        “My what?”
>        “Oh,” lips compressing, some kind of brain nausea here, “that
> coil symbol there happens to be very like the Old Norse rune for ‘S,’
> sôl, which means ‘sun.’ The Old High German name for it is sigil.”
>        “Funny way to draw that sun,” it seems to Slothrop.
> What is "brain nausea" exactly? Is it a reaction to Slothrop's
> ignorance, or is it something else?
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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