48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Thu May 5 09:12:54 CDT 2016

I see Fox as the English use: object of a hunt, an elusive animal hard to
bring down....fox-hunting an English thing....
the metaphor is Spectro's not Pynchon's so I do not think he sees the
predator meaning, he just sees the animal he
wants---as fox-hunters do.

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:41 AM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at sover.net> wrote:

> Kevin Spectro- a spectral presence sitting in the annulus( technologic
> ring) of ( mysterious) night , holder of Book, manager of experimental
> subjects with little apparent choice( like Von Braun’s slaves?), leader in
> the of cult of Pavlov, despiser of ethical restrictions,upholder of
> scientific method, despiser of “old” order, spiking Foxes with painkiller,
> withholding them from Pointsman’s avarice/lust, "not the devil” are you?”,
> destined for death and destruction via V2 with St. Veronica’s and therefor
> identified with the rocket( nuclear weapon) as “a ghost in the sky".
> Why call patients Fox? In Japan fox is trickster, in england object of
> hunt, in 70s sexy woman. But why a predator for a patient that seems more
> prey?
> > On May 5, 2016, at 7:48 AM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at sover.net> wrote:
> >
> >  please feel free to jump in as you will, p-listers.
> >
> > To St. Veronica's hospital where Pointsman and Spectro (also a Pavlovian
> scientist) discuss Pointsman’s desire to have access to experiment with
> Slothrop as subject and we find with full clarity that Slothrop is somehow
> predicting the location and time of the fall of the rockets with his map of
> erections. Spectro says it can't be experimentally justified because there
> is just one subject. They wonder how Slothrop's predictive ability works,
> comparing phenoma of erection then rocket strike to  the arrival of a
> rocket first,  and then the rocket sound. We find Slothrop was also
> patient/ experimental subject of Laszlo Jamf. Pointsman wants same access
> to human subjects, reflecting Nazi medical experiments and known western
> experiments.
> > The "hospital' takes in children, apparently survivors of bomb blasts
> etc. Some odd "therapy" is hinted at, possibly shock therapy. It is said
> that a thousand children are about to leave. Alive? To go where?)
> >
> > note:
> > St. Veronica is a Catholic legend of a woman who offers Jesus a cloth to
> wipe his face on the way to calvary and the cloth bears the image( Ver I
> can = true image in Latin) of his face. This may be related to shroud of
> Turin but very sketchy what the source is. The idea though is an image
> showing the utmost in suffering and abuse born in the face of Jesus. It is
> interesting that Jesus face is traditionally almost hermaphroditic apart
> from the beard so both the feminine and masculine are conveyed.  In the
> novel St Veronica's carries a dominant sense of misery, sounds of wailing
> reminiscent of the screaming at start of novel- science in the service of
> scrying bones.-
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