May 2016 Archives by subject
Starting: Sun May 1 07:43:08 CDT 2016
Ending: Tue May 31 15:20:37 CDT 2016
Messages: 696
- (np) Half of people in nine European countries believe UK will vote to leave the EU
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- (np) Why the media will lift Trump up and tear Clinton down
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- (np) Why the media will lift Trump up and tear Clinton down
John Bailey
- (np) Why the media will lift Trump up and tear Clinton down
Joseph Tracy
- (np) Why the media will lift Trump up and tear Clinton down
Keith Davis
- (np) Why the media will lift Trump up and tear Clinton down
Joseph Tracy
- (np) Why the media will lift Trump up and tear Clinton down
Keith Davis
- (np) Wie pop ist noch deutsche Literatur?
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- 2 notes section 9; 2 notes section 10
Joseph Tracy
- 2 notes section 9; 2 notes section 10
ish mailian
- 2 notes section 9; 2 notes section 10
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- 2 notes section 9; 2 notes section 10
Mark Kohut
- 2 notes section 9; 2 notes section 10
John Bailey
- 2 notes section 9; 2 notes section 10
kelber at
- 2 notes section 9; 2 notes section 10
Mark Kohut
- 2 notes section 9; 2 notes section 10
Keith Davis
- 2 notes section 9; 2 notes section 10
Joseph Tracy
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Joseph Tracy
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Joseph Tracy
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Mark Kohut
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Joseph Tracy
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
kelber at
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
kelber at
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Mark Kohut
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Keith Davis
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Keith Davis
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Keith Davis
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Joseph Tracy
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Mark Kohut
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Keith Davis
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Keith Davis
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Joseph Tracy
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Thomas Eckhardt
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Keith Davis
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Thomas Eckhardt
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Joseph Tracy
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Keith Davis
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Thomas Eckhardt
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Joseph Tracy
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Mark Kohut
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Mark Kohut
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Mark Kohut
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Thomas Eckhardt
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Joseph Tracy
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Mark Kohut
- 48-54 The Problem of the Pavlovian Penis
Joseph Tracy
- 4 Takeaways From the Washington PostArticle on War in Space
David Morris
- A fight to protect ‘the most valuable real estate in space’
David Morris
- Re: A fight to protect ‘the most valuable real estate in space’
Monte Davis
- Re: A fight to protect ‘the most valuable real estate in space’
David Morris
- Re: A fight to protect ‘the most valuable real estate in space’
John Bailey
- Re: A fight to protect ‘the most valuable real estate in space’
David Morris
- Re: A fight to protect ‘the most valuable real estate in space’
Richard Romeo
- Almost TRP: "understanding the rules of life": Pointsman lives!
Mark Kohut
- Alt-Humans in Recent TV
David Morris
- Anarchy. again. From a review of a new history of.
Mark Kohut
- An Elixir to Restore Feelings of Middle Class Superiority
Allan Balliett
- An Elixir to Restore Feelings of Middle Class Superiority
Keith Davis
- Anything to this anyone think?
Mark Kohut
- A Round for the P-listers
matthew cissell
- Back to current chapter?
Joseph Tracy
- Back to current chapter?
Monte Davis
- Back to current chapter?
Keith Davis
- Back to current chapter?
David Morris
- Back to current chapter?
kelber at
- Back to current chapter?
David Morris
- Back to current chapter?
Smoke Teff
- Back to current chapter?
David Morris
- Back to current chapter?
Keith Davis
- Back to current chapter?
David Morris
- Back to current chapter?
Keith Davis
- Back to current chapter?
Keith Davis
- Back to current chapter?
David Morris
- Back to current chapter?
Smoke Teff
- Back to current chapter?
kelber at
- Back to current chapter?
Joseph Tracy
- Back to current chapter?
Joseph Tracy
- Back to current chapter?
Joseph Tracy
- Back to current chapter?
Joseph Tracy
- Back to current chapter?
Keith Davis
- Back to current chapter?
Mark Kohut
- Back to current chapter?
kelber at
- Back to current chapter?
Ray Easton
- Back to current chapter?
Mark Kohut
- Back to current chapter?
Mark Kohut
- Back to current chapter?
Monte Davis
- Back to current chapter?
Keith Davis
- Back to current chapter?
ish mailian
- bananas!
Jochen Stremmel
- Bananas, the Blitz, charitable women, bureaucratic reports.
Mark Kohut
- Black Cowboy
ish mailian
- Black Cowboy
ish mailian
- Bleeding Edge in Russian
Max Nemtsov
- Bleeding Edge in Russian
Charles Albert
- Bleeding Edge in Russian
John Bailey
- Bleeding Edge in Russian
Max Nemtsov
- Bleeding Edge in Russian
Max Nemtsov
Mark Kohut
- Broommaker: a Heinrich Boll story of (part of) GR similarity.
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 - The Book
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 - The Book
ish mailian
- BtZ42. Maths, Rogerian predictability, mental disorders today (Extra-credit --except for Monte)
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42. One of the enigmas of GR.
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42. One of the enigmas of GR.
Monte Davis
- BtZ42. One of the enigmas of GR.
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42. p.54 'Between the two worlds"
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42. You, NEVER, did, the Kenosha Kid?
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42. You, NEVER, did, the Kenosha Kid?
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/10
János Széky
- BtZ42/10
Monte Davis
- BtZ42/10
János Széky
- BtZ42/10
Keith Davis
- BtZ42/10
Monte Davis
- BtZ42/10
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/10
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/10
Monte Davis
- BtZ42/10
Monte Davis
- BtZ42/10
ish mailian
- BtZ42/10
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/10
Monte Davis
- BtZ42/10 - Down the toilet
kelber at
- BtZ42/10 - Down the toilet
- BtZ42/10 - Down the toilet
kelber at
- BtZ42/10 - Down the toilet
David Morris
- BtZ42/10 - Down the toilet
- BtZ42/10 - Down the toilet
John Bailey
- BtZ42/10 - Down the toilet
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/10 - Down the toilet
David Morris
- BtZ42/10 - Down the toilet
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/10 - Down the toilet
David Morris
- BTZ42/10 - note to all p-listers
kelber at
- BTZ42/10 - note to all p-listers
János Széky
- BTZ42/10 - note to all p-listers
Keith Davis
- BtZ42/10: Cherokee
János Széky
- BtZ42/10: Cherokee
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/10: Cherokee
Keith Davis
- BtZ42/10: Cherokee
Keith Davis
- BtZ42/10: Cherokee
ish mailian
- BtZ42/10: Cherokee
Keith Davis
- BtZ42/10: Cherokee
ish mailian
- BtZ42/10: Whappo
János Széky
- BtZ42/10 Down the toilet, phases
János Széky
- BtZ42/10 Down the toilet, phases
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/10 Jack violating gravity
János Széky
- BtZ42/10 Jack violating gravity
ish mailian
- BtZ42/10 Jack violating gravity
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- BtZ42/10 Jack violating gravity
János Széky
- BtZ42/10 Jack violating gravity
Ray Easton
- BtZ42/10 Jack violating gravity
Monte Davis
- BtZ42/10 Jack violating gravity
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/10 Jack violating gravity
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/10 Jack violating gravity
János Széky
- BtZ42/10 Jack violating gravity
ish mailian
- BtZ42/10 Jack violating gravity
ish mailian
- BtZ42/10 Jack violating gravity
Joseph Tracy
- BtZ42/10 Jack violating gravity
Mark Kohut
- BtZ 42/10 Musical structure
János Széky
- BtZ42/10 Reverse flow of food
János Széky
- BtZ42/10 Reverse flow of food
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- BtZ42/10 Stone-white cervix
János Széky
- BtZ42/10 Stone-white cervix
David Morris
- BtZ42/10 Stone-white cervix
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/10 Stone-white cervix
János Széky
- BtZ42/10 Stone-white cervix
David Morris
- BtZ42/10 Stone-white cervix
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/10 The color red
János Széky
- BtZ42/10 The color red
János Széky
- BtZ42/10 The color red
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/10 The color red
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/11 - Kryptosam, Wuotan, Pirate as robot
kelber at
- BtZ42/11 - Kryptosam, Wuotan, Pirate as robot
Monte Davis
- BtZ42/11 - Kryptosam, Wuotan, Pirate as robot
kelber at
- BtZ42/11 - Kryptosam, Wuotan, Pirate as robot
Monte Davis
- BtZ42/11 - Kryptosam, Wuotan, Pirate as robot
János Széky
- BtZ42/11 - Kryptosam, Wuotan, Pirate as robot
Joseph Tracy
- BtZ42/11 - Kryptosam, Wuotan, Pirate as robot
Monte Davis
- BtZ42/11 - Kryptosam, Wuotan, Pirate as robot
ish mailian
- BtZ42/11 - Kryptosam, Wuotan, Pirate as robot
ish mailian
- BtZ42/11 - Kryptosam, Wuotan, Pirate as robot
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/11 - Kryptosam, Wuotan, Pirate as robot
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/11 - Kryptosam, Wuotan, Pirate as robot
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/11-Why "why?"?
kelber at
- BtZ42/11-Why "why?"?
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42/11 Pirate & the core of paranoia
János Széky
- BtZ42/11 Pirate & the core of paranoia
Joseph Tracy
- BtZ42/11 Pirate & the core of paranoia
kelber at
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
ish mailian
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
ish mailian
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
Joseph Tracy
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
Joseph Tracy
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
Joseph Tracy
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
ish mailian
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
Joseph Tracy
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
ish mailian
- BtZ42 48-54: Foxes once more
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42: Woutan rides high.
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42: Woutan rides high.
Monte Davis
- BtZ42: Woutan rides high.
Monte Davis
- BtZ42: Woutan rides high.
- BtZ42: Woutan rides high.
- BtZ42: Woutan rides high.
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42: Woutan rides high.
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Calvinism in unusual places?
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Misc.
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 motto
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 p. 73 "the center of all the light"
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 pages 72-73-74
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 pages 72-73-74
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 pages 72-73-74
David Morris
- BtZ42 Pavlov Lives
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Pavlov Lives
Jamie McKittrick
- BtZ42 Pynchon. How allegorical a writer is he?
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Pynchon. How allegorical a writer is he?
ish mailian
- BtZ42 Pynchon. How allegorical a writer is he?
ish mailian
- BtZ42 Scene 10. Down the toilet.
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Scene 10. Down the toilet.
kelber at
- BtZ42 Scene 10. Down the toilet.
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Scene 8, p.48 Miller edition
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Scene 8, pp47-53, part 1
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 section 9
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9
János Széky
- BtZ42 Section 9
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
David Morris
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
ish mailian
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
Ray Easton
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
David Morris
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
ish mailian
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
ish mailian
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): at the window while he sleeps
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): before the war
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): before the war
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): before the war
Joseph Tracy
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wakes
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wakes
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wakes
kelber at
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wakes
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wakes
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wakes
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wakes
Thomas Eckhardt
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wakes
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wakes
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wakes
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wakes
ish mailian
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wakes
ish mailian
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wakes
Keith Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wonders
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wonders
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): Jessica wonders
ish mailian
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the Antipointsman
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the Antipointsman
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the Antipointsman
ish mailian
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the Antipointsman
ish mailian
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the Antipointsman
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the Antipointsman
ish mailian
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the Antipointsman
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the price of nihilism
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the price of nihilism
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
Thomas Eckhardt
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
David Morris
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
kelber at
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
kelber at
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
kelber at
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
Monte Davis
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 Still scene the tenth
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 the Kenosha Kid
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 THE Kenosha Kid. Rugged consumerism.
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 The Kenosha Kid and race from an unknown reader/blogger.
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 This aphorism I post during GR Read
Mark Kohut
- BtZ42 We do
Mark Kohut
- BTZ: June 7 - June 13
Smoke Teff
- Chapel Hill, if interested
Mark Kohut
- CoL49/GR/BE-related: 9/11 in Stockhausen performance from 2008
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Construing "the Kenosha Kid"
Mark Kohut
- Cornel West is an Ass!
David Morris
- Crutchfield, Cherokee, Red River notes
Joseph Tracy
- Crutchfield, Cherokee, Red River notes
Joseph Tracy
- Crutchfield, Cherokee, Red River notes
ish mailian
- Crutchfield, Cherokee, Red River notes
Keith Davis
- Crutchfield, Cherokee, Red River notes
ish mailian
- Crutchfield, Cherokee, Red River notes
ish mailian
- Did you notice when the new Radiohead album is becoming available?
Mark Kohut
- Distantly GR-related: Former IG Farben firms are exploring potential bids for Monsanto
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Do we have any knowledge or informed notions about Pynchon plotting GR on his engineering paper?
Mark Kohut
- Euro-Shit Examined
David Morris
- Euro-Shit Examined
Keith Davis
- Foxes and Hens Cohabiting!
David Morris
- Foxes and Hens Cohabiting!
Mark Kohut
- Foxes and Hens Cohabiting!
Keith Davis
- Foxes and Hens Cohabiting!
Mark Kohut
- Foxes and Hens Cohabiting!
Mark Kohut
- Foxes and Hens Cohabiting!
Paul Mackin
- Fromm
ish mailian
- Fwd: BtZ42. "her Fay Wray look"
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: GR translation: Though thy Glass today be run
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: not Martin but Mircea
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: NP Stalker......apparently it gets worse....
Charles Albert
- Fwd: Peter L. Laurence, "Becoming Jane Jacobs" (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016) |
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: The Kenosha Kid lives.
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: The Kenosha Kid lives.
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Fwd: The Kenosha Kid lives.
Monte Davis
- Fwd: The Kenosha Kid lives.
kelber at
- Fwd: Zero K review -
- Get your birthday cards to TRP in the mail today, I suggest.
Mark Kohut
- GR "subsumed in the blast and he never hearing the approach, the sound too late, "
Mark Kohut
- GR as ongoing prophecy. (from a long review of Andrew Bacevich's new book)
Mark Kohut
- GR group read schedule
Mark Kohut
- GR group read schedule
ish mailian
- GR group read schedule
Mark Kohut
- GR group read schedule
kelber at
- GR group read schedule
János Széky
- GR group read schedule
Mark Kohut
- GR group read schedule
kelber at
- GR group read schedule. Latest 5/23
Mark Kohut
- GR group read schedule. Latest 5/23
Keith Davis
- GR Misc.
Mark Kohut
- GR translation: almost a reflexive Consciousness of Kind
Mike Jing
- GR translation: almost a reflexive Consciousness of Kind
Jochen Stremmel
- GR translation: almost a reflexive Consciousness of Kind
Mark Kohut
- GR translation: almost a reflexive Consciousness of Kind
Mike Jing
- GR translation: alone in his tar circle, his chalk terror
Mike Jing
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
Mike Jing
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
Monte Davis
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
Simon Bryquer
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
David Morris
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
Mark Kohut
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
David Morris
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
Mark Kohut
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
David Morris
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
Mark Kohut
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
David Morris
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
Ray Easton
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
kelber at
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
Mike Jing
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
Keith Davis
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
Mike Jing
- GR translation: Arab With A Big Greasy Nose
Mark Kohut
- GR translation: battery-loading crew
Mike Jing
- GR translation: battery-loading crew
Monte Davis
- GR translation: battery-loading crew
Mike Jing
- GR translation: except now as an erotic category
Mike Jing
- GR translation: except now as an erotic category
Monte Davis
- GR translation: Praying to their Master: sooner or later an abreaction
Mike Jing
- GR translation: Praying to their Master: sooner or later an abreaction
David Morris
- GR translation: Strung Into the Apollonian Dream . . .
Mike Jing
- GR translation: Strung Into the Apollonian Dream . . .
David Morris
- GR translation: Strung Into the Apollonian Dream . . .
David Morris
- GR translation: Strung Into the Apollonian Dream . . .
Monte Davis
- GR translation: Strung Into the Apollonian Dream . . .
Mark Kohut
- GR translation: Strung Into the Apollonian Dream . . .
David Morris
- GR translation: Strung Into the Apollonian Dream . . .
Mark Kohut
- GR translation: Strung Into the Apollonian Dream . . .
János Széky
- GR translation: Strung Into the Apollonian Dream . . .
Mike Jing
- GR translation: Teddy Bloat is mincing bananas with a great isosceles knife
Mike Jing
- GR translation: Teddy Bloat is mincing bananas with a great isosceles knife
David Morris
- GR translation: Teddy Bloat is mincing bananas with a great isosceles knife
Mike Jing
- GR translation: The last image was too immediate
Mike Jing
- GR translation: The last image was too immediate
Mike Jing
- GR translation: The last image was too immediate
Jochen Stremmel
- GR translation: The last image was too immediate
Mike Jing
- GR translation: The last image was too immediate
Mike Jing
- GR translation: Though thy Glass today be run
Mike Jing
- GR translation: Though thy Glass today be run
Jochen Stremmel
- GR translation: Though thy Glass today be run
Mark Kohut
- GR translation: Though thy Glass today be run
János Széky
- GR translation: Though thy Glass today be run
kelber at
- GR translation: Though thy Glass today be run
Jochen Stremmel
- GR translation: Though thy Glass today be run
kelber at
- GR translation: Though thy Glass today be run
Mike Jing
- GR translation: Though thy Glass today be run
Mike Jing
- GR translation: Though thy Glass today be run
Mike Jing
- GR translation: Though thy Glass today be run
Mike Jing
- GR translation: “We’re for it,” the doctor shivers.
Mike Jing
- Re: GR translation: “We’re for it,” the doctor shivers.
Mike Jing
- Holocaust in GR
Doug Millison
- How Literature Became Word Perfect
John Bailey
- How Literature Became Word Perfect | New Republic
Mark Kohut
- hypertext poem, sorta
Joseph Tracy
- hypertext poem, sorta
Monte Davis
- hypertext poem, sorta
Joseph Tracy
- hypertext poem, sorta
Mark Kohut
- Is Pointsman based on Dr. William Sargant?
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Is Pointsman based on Dr. William Sargant?
Thomas Eckhardt
- Is Pointsman based on Dr. William Sargant?
Monte Davis
- Is Pointsman based on Dr. William Sargant?
Thomas Eckhardt
- Is Pointsman based on Dr. William Sargant?
Mark Kohut
- Is Pointsman based on Dr. William Sargant?
Thomas Eckhardt
- Is Pointsman based on Dr. William Sargant?
Monte Davis
- Is Pointsman based on Dr. William Sargant?
Mark Kohut
- Is Pointsman based on Dr. William Sargant?
Mark Kohut
- Is Pointsman based on Dr. William Sargant?
Mark Kohut
- Is Pointsman based on Dr. William Sargant?
Monte Davis
- Is Pointsman based on Dr. William Sargant?
Mark Kohut
- Is Pointsman based on Dr. William Sargant?
Mark Kohut
- Is this Pynchon, or what?
Mark Kohut
- It's about music!
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Kracht's new novel
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Kracht's new novel
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Lords of the Night - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mark Kohut
- Meet Your Neighbor, Thomas Pynchon
David Morris
- Mirzoeff Angel's View Mappings
ish mailian
- misc. @1992
Mark Kohut
- Missing Malcom X
ish mailian
- Missing Malcom X
Mark Kohut
- Missing Malcom X
ish mailian
- Missing Malcom X
ish mailian
- more banana resonances. Today.
Mark Kohut
- Moses revisited (Jane Jacobs...)
ish mailian
- My Rubber Duck Tonight
David Morris
- My Rubber Duck Tonight
Keith Davis
- No one has yet posted: Daniel Berrigan, RIP.
Mark Kohut
- Not BtZ42: Misc. P flashback update. "Negro" to the scrapheap of History.
Mark Kohut
- Not BtZ42 but Pynchon's continuing influence on writers
Mark Kohut
- not GR but V.
Mark Kohut
- not Martin but Mircea
Jochen Stremmel
- not Martin but Mircea
Joseph Tracy
- not Martin but Mircea
Joseph Tracy
- not Martin but Mircea
Ian Livingston
- not Martin but Mircea
kelber at
- not Martin but Mircea
Mark Kohut
- not Martin but Mircea
Keith Davis
- not Martin but Mircea
Mark Thibodeau
- not Martin but Mircea
Jochen Stremmel
- not Martin but Mircea
Mark Thibodeau
- not Martin but Mircea
Mark Thibodeau
- not Martin but Mircea
matthew cissell
- not Martin but Mircea
Mark Kohut
- not Martin but Mircea
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- not my tweet.
Mark Kohut
- not my tweet.
matthew cissell
- not my tweet.
Mark Kohut
Mark Kohut
- NOT PYNCHON Barack Obama is officially one of the most consequential presidents in American history - Vox
Mark Kohut
- Not really P (except as I project)
Mark Kohut
- Not really Pynchon: Misc Lit: "Two cultures" never dies.
Mark Kohut
- NP - Nader Sucks
David Morris
- NP - What rock star will be remembered? Compared to literary field.
matthew cissell
- NP - What rock star will be remembered? Compared to literary field.
Mark Kohut
- NP - What rock star will be remembered? Compared to literary field.
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- NP - What rock star will be remembered? Compared to literary field.
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- NP....yow
Keith Davis
- NP. Foyle's War
Keith Davis
- NP. Foyle's War
Joseph Tracy
- NP. Foyle's War
Keith Davis
- NP. Foyle's War
David Morris
- NP. Foyle's War
Keith Davis
- NP. Taiji
Keith Davis
- NP. Taiji
David Morris
- NP. Taiji
Keith Davis
- NP. Taiji
Ian Livingston
- NP. Taiji
Joseph Tracy
- NP. Taiji
Keith Davis
- NP: Kinky Friedman
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP: Kinky Friedman
ish mailian
- NP: literal to the point of offense, pedantic to the point of aggression
ish mailian
- NP but masterful music....Them There Eyes
Keith Davis
- NP but Radiohead
oz olric
- NP Stalker
Charles Albert
- NP Stalker
John Bailey
- NP Stalker
David Morris
- NP Stalker
John Bailey
- NP Stalker
David Morris
- One of foxes, cowardice of curs (58)
ish mailian
- One of foxes, cowardice of curs (58)
ish mailian
- One of foxes, cowardice of curs (58)
ish mailian
- on Pynchon, maybe esp GR. Sounding a bottom--maybe--on the
Mark Kohut
- On Yoyodyne.....
Charles Albert
- On Yoyodyne.....
Thomas Eckhardt
- On Yoyodyne.....
Monte Davis
- On Yoyodyne.....
ish mailian
- On Yoyodyne.....
ish mailian
- On Yoyodyne.....
ish mailian
- On Yoyodyne.....
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Operation Matchbox, or "There's never a ban for the privileged"
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Orwell's crystal spirit & Eliot's because I do not hope
ish mailian
- Orwell's crystal spirit & Eliot's because I do not hope
Mark Kohut
- Politics vs Art
David Morris
- Politics vs Art
Joseph Tracy
- Politics vs Art
Keith Davis
- Politics vs Art
David Morris
- Politics vs Art
Keith Davis
- Politics vs Art
Joseph Tracy
- Politics vs Art
David Morris
- Politics vs Art
Mark Kohut
- Politics vs Art
Mike Weaver
- Politics vs Art
Joseph Tracy
- Politics vs Art
Thomas Eckhardt
- Politics vs Art
David Morris
- Politics vs Art
Mark Kohut
- Politics vs Art
David Morris
- Politics vs Art
Keith Davis
- Politics vs Art
David Morris
- Politics vs Art
Monte Davis
- Politics vs Art
Mark Kohut
- Politics vs Art
Mark Kohut
- Politics vs Art
David Morris
- Politics vs Art
- Politics vs Art
David Morris
- Politics vs Art
Joseph Tracy
- Politics vs Art
Richard Romeo
- Politics vs Art
Joseph Tracy
- Politics vs Art
Mark Kohut
- Politics vs Art
Monte Davis
- Politics vs Art
- Politics vs Art
ish mailian
- Politics vs Art
ish mailian
- Politics vs Art
David Morris
- Politics vs Art
David Morris
- Politics vs Art
ish mailian
- Politics vs Art
- Politics vs Art
Keith Davis
- Politics vs Art
Keith Davis
- Politics vs Art
Mark Kohut
- Prince, The Elevator, and the Devil
Mark Thibodeau
- Prince, The Elevator, and the Devil
David Morris
- Prince, The Elevator, and the Devil
Erik Burns
- Prince, The Elevator, and the Devil
Keith Davis
- Purely speculative, oblique, misc. observation re TRPs work
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon's major novels and Conic sections
matthew cissell
- Pynchon's major novels and Conic sections
John Bailey
- Pynchon's major novels and Conic sections
matthew cissell
- Pynchon's major novels and Conic sections
- Pynchon's major novels and Conic sections
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon, DeLillo, dopplegangers, .... Mischa and Grischa so to speak
Mark Kohut
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12770
Doug Millison
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12770
Doug Millison
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12770
Monte Davis
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12770
Doug Millison
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12772
Doug Millison
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12772
Joseph Tracy
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12774
Doug Millison
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12774
Keith Davis
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12774
Joseph Tracy
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12774
Keith Davis
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12774
Mark Kohut
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12786
Doug Millison
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12787
Doug Millison
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12854
Doug Millison
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12854
Mark Kohut
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12854
Mark Kohut
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12854
Doug Millison
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12854
Doug Millison
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12854
Joseph Tracy
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12854
Jochen Stremmel
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12854
Mark Kohut
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12854
ish mailian
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12854
ish mailian
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #12854
Doug Millison
- Pynchon did it first. Against the Day, again, in movie-real life.
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon Notes online
Monte Davis
- Pynchon Notes online
matthew cissell
- Pynchon on P-list Day
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Pynchon on P-list Day
kelber at
- Pynchon on P-list Day
Danny Weltman
- R.I.P. Fritz Stern
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Rainbows, revised
Monte Davis
- Read all About it: Latest "TRUTH SERUM" produces major shit storm!
Joseph Tracy
- reading group research study
Becky Lindroos
- reading group research study
Becky Lindroos
- Red Malcom, Redd Foxx, Red Herring
ish mailian
- Red the Negro shoeshine boy
János Széky
- Red the Negro shoeshine boy
ish mailian
- Red the Negro shoeshine boy
ish mailian
- Red the Negro shoeshine boy
ish mailian
- Red the Negro shoeshine boy
ish mailian
- Seems The Kenosha Kid is now a "THING" in popular culture.
Mark Kohut
- Since we have talked of MH and HA (an important influence, one book anyway, on TRP)
Mark Kohut
- Speaking of foxes ...
Krafft, John M.
- Speaking of foxes ...
Monte Davis
- Speaking of foxes ...
ish mailian
- Speaking of foxes ...
ish mailian
- Speaking of foxes ...
Mark Kohut
- Speaking of foxes ...
ish mailian
- Speaking of foxes ...
Monte Davis
- Speaking of foxes ...
ish mailian
- Speaking of foxes ...
Mark Kohut
- Speaking of foxes ...
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Speaking of foxes ...
Monte Davis
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Mark Kohut
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Mark Kohut
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Mark Kohut
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Mark Kohut
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Mark Kohut
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Mark Kohut
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Mark Thibodeau
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Joseph Tracy
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
John Bailey
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Mark Kohut
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Mark Kohut
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
ish mailian
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
ish mailian
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
ish mailian
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
ish mailian
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Keith Davis
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Monte Davis
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Keith Davis
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Keith Davis
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Monte Davis
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Keith Davis
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Monte Davis
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Mark Kohut
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangentially Pynchon. see today's Google Doodle
David Morris
- Tangents-It's Sun Ra's Birthday
Keith Davis
- The Blitz. Iceland-Spar-like images.
Mark Kohut
- The Bomb din't do it. Stalin did.
Mark Kohut
- The Bomb din't do it. Stalin did.
ish mailian
- The Book of the Puritan Legacy
ish mailian
- The Kenosha Kid lives.
Mark Kohut
- The Kenosha Kid lives.
Douglas Holm
- The Kenosha Kid lives.
David Morris
- The Kenosha Kid lives.
Monte Davis
- The Kenosha Kid lives.
David Morris
- The Kenosha Kid lives.
Jamie McKittrick
- The Kenosha Kid lives.
Joseph Tracy
- The Power of Spin
David Morris
- The Power of Spin
Keith Davis
- The Two Cultures. again. This time as One.
Mark Kohut
- Tidbit on bananas during the war.
Mark Kohut
- today is Pentecost Sunday, important in Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- today is Pentecost Sunday, important in Pynchon
David Morris
- today is Pentecost Sunday, important in Pynchon
David Morris
- today is Pentecost Sunday, important in Pynchon
David Morris
- today is Pentecost Sunday, important in Pynchon
- To make it easy IF you do want to say Happy Bday and Thanks to TRP. I send a postcard.
Mark Kohut
- Transmarginal inhibition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mark Kohut
- Trump's wall, rethought as M & D. P found such incredible and deep resonances.
Mark Kohut
- TTIP Leaks
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- TTIP Leaks
Keith Davis
- TTIP Leaks
Joseph Tracy
- TTIP Leaks
kelber at
- TTIP Leaks
Keith Davis
- TTIP Leaks
Mark Kohut
- TTIP Leaks
David Morris
- Tweet from J. J. Robertson (@jamesjrobertson)
Mark Kohut
- Tweet from Text Publishing (@text_publishing)
Mark Kohut
- V-2 and "gusts of emotion," again
Monte Davis
- V-2 and "gusts of emotion," again
Mark Kohut
- V-2 and "gusts of emotion," again
- V-2 and "gusts of emotion," again
Mark Kohut
- V-2 and "gusts of emotion," again
Mark Kohut
- very, VERY annoyingly MISC, NOT REALLY P
Mark Kohut
- Very extra credit (largely not relevant) on SCIENCE (including radio sferics)
Mark Kohut
- Very extra credit (largely not relevant) on SCIENCE (including radio sferics)
Mark Thibodeau
- War Disorders. GR themes. More 'getting it right". Fanon articulates.
Mark Kohut
ish mailian
Mark Thibodeau
Neal Fultz
Mark Thibodeau
- Zero K review -
Becky Lindroos
- Zero K review -
Becky Lindroos
Last message date:
Tue May 31 15:20:37 CDT 2016
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 19:16:30 CST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).