pynchon-l-digest V2 #12772

Doug Millison dougmillison at
Thu May 5 09:58:09 CDT 2016

Here's a paper that popped up as a result of a search for "Pavlov's fox"

I think it may be fox hunting that Pointsman has in mind - I think I saw
that in a previous post - a rather more glorified, stylish, higher caste
version of what he does when he goes out to snatch up dogs to use as
experimental subjects.

Apologies for the bad links in the earlier post; again I recommend these
books for any Pynchon reader; they  present a subtle discussion of the
Holocaust in GR and his other novels.

Gravity's Rainbow, Domination, and Freedom
Luc Herman, Steven C. Weisenburger

Thomas Pynchon and the Dark Passages of History

By David Cowart
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