(np) Why the media will lift Trump up and tear Clinton down

Kai Frederik Lorentzen lorentzen at hotmail.de
Fri May 6 04:40:35 CDT 2016

 > ... Among all these classes of professionals, all these institutions, 
that whole superstructure of US politics built around two balanced 
sides, there will be a tidal pull to normalize this election, to make it 
Coca-Cola versus Pepsi instead of Coca-Cola versus sewer water.

The US political system knows how to play the former script; it doesn't 
know how to play the latter. There's a whole skein of practices, 
relationships, and money flows developed around the former. The latter 
would occasion a reappraisal of, well, everything. Scary.

So there will be a push to lift Donald Trump up and bring Hillary 
Clinton down, until they are at least something approximating two 
equivalent choices ... <


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