Lords of the Night - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Sun May 8 08:11:40 CDT 2016

P 49 ...." Abreactions of the Lord of the Night" 
Abreaction.....variation on the return of the repressed, this GR leitmotif. From the psychoanalytic tradition, Freud in 1893 ( but his mentor Breuer maybe w the concept in 1891)

Not uninteresting that this comment ( by the omnivorous [sic. half-a-Joke] narrator) comes from this tradition used against Pointsman's behaviorist tradition. 

and that the repressed can't stay repressed seems to be one of the deep threads of GR. FRom Slothrop's past ( maybe) to the War itself. To the postwar even. 


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