BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Fri May 13 16:04:41 CDT 2016

Yes it is V-1s in the study. I sent to show Poisson Distribution verification study in real life. ( wiki article does not show THAT Poisson Didtribution w
V-2s. )

Sent from my iPhone

On May 13, 2016, at 4:30 PM, Monte Davis <montedavis49 at> wrote:

> NB that the Wired article is talking about V-1 "buzz bombs," not V-2s -- and while I can't get a working link to the Clarke paper, other secondary links strongly hint that's what it's about too. I'm inclined to trust the numbers from my link above, as hundreds of rocket history geeks have been haggling those out for a long time.
> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 4:19 PM, Monte Davis <montedavis49 at> wrote:
>> "in the campaign against Britain, 518 rockets were recorded as falling in the Greater London Air Defence Zone of 1225 fired, implying an average CEP of 12 km."
>> I.e., a rocket had a 50% chance of falling within 12 km of its aim point. If I'm right that Roger's grid was 12km x 12km, and if both the grid center and the aim point were more or less Charing Cross (traditional benchmark for road distances to/from London), then roughly as many fell outside Roger's grid as within it.
>> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 2:35 PM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
>>> Did we know that a couple guys did a study of bombing in London? (From Wikipedia on Poisson distribution) 
>>>  Clarke, R. D. (1946). "An application of the Poisson distribution" (PDF). Journal of the Institute of Actuaries 72: 481.
>>> Jump up ^ Aatish Bhatia. "What does randomness look like?". Within a large area of London, the bombs weren’t being targeted. They rained down at random in a devastating, city-wide game of Russian roulette.
>>> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 2:29 PM,  <kelber at> wrote:
>>>> So more on a Fun With Geometry level.
>>>> -----Original Message----- 
>>>> From: Monte Davis 
>>>> Sent: May 13, 2016 2:23 PM 
>>>> To: kelber 
>>>> Cc: Thomas Eckhardt , “pynchon-l at>>>> Subject: Re: BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance 
>>>> Not that I remember. He isn't rigorously averse to fudging, though: we wouldn't have the title if he weren't scumbling the parabola with rainbows -- which are typically arcs (segments of a circle), occasionally (due to atmospheric anomalies) distorted arcs, but never AFAIK parabolic. 
>>>> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 1:40 PM, <kelber at> wrote:
>>>>> Sorry for the mistype: *its will* not *it's will*
>>>>> Question, Monte: the bell curve can look like a parabola if you lop off the outliers. Is Pynchon making any metaphorical connections between normal distribution and the parabola anywhere? 
>>>>> LK
>>>>> -----Original Message----- 
>>>>> From: Monte Davis 
>>>>> Sent: May 13, 2016 1:13 PM 
>>>>> To: "kelber at" 
>>>>> Cc: Thomas Eckhardt , “pynchon-l at>>>>> Subject: Re: BtZ42 Section 9 (pp 53-60): the sieve of chance  
>>>>> Very much so -- and P scatters the language of mass-production statistics liberally in the Byron story.
>>>>> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 12:47 PM, kelber at <kelber at> wrote:
>>>>>> Sort of the Byron the Bulb issue: is the long-burning bulb asserting it's will, magical, technologically-tampered or just sitting comfortably at the outermost extremes of the bell curve?
>>>>>> Laura
>>>>>> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID
>>>>>> Monte Davis <montedavis49 at> wrote:
>>>>>> >But once it *has* settled...
>>>>>> That's the crux, and a starting point for a fascinating (some other time) excursus into Bayesian probability. We do much more anthropomorphizing and projection than we know, and a some level we'll always feel that the roulette ball has a memory and "knows" it should start evening things out by settling on red. That feeling grows much faster than the unlikelihood of any given run of black does -- which is why more players flocked to make ever larger bets on red, and overall the casino did very well that night.
>>>>>> > It would have been the same probability even if the ball at that point had settled on black for a few million times in a row, no?
>>>>>> Yes -- aside from the likelihood that you would long since have concluded the wheel must be rigged :-)
>>>>>> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 9:32 AM, Thomas Eckhardt <thomas.eckhardt at> wrote:
>>>>>>>  Monte Davis <montedavis49 at> wrote:
>>>>>>>> P. 56:
>>>>>>>> “But squares that have already* had* several hits, I mean—”
>>>>>>>> “I’m sorry. That’s the Monte Carlo Fallacy..."
>>>>>>> I look at it like this: It is highly unlikely that the roulette ball settles on black for 26 times in a row. But once it *has* settled on black for 26 times in a row, the probability for it to do so again with the next spin of the wheel is the same as before (48.6 per cent, that is).
>>>>>>> At least that's how I explain it to the kids...
>>>>>>>> Where the bettors went wrong was that 26 spins of a roulette wheel simply isn't that large a number.
>>>>>>> Hmmm. It would have been the same probability even if the ball at that point had settled on black for a few million times in a row, no?
>>>> - Pynchon-l /
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