Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sat May 14 11:53:14 CDT 2016

I don't remember all of the resonances we found re the title BLEEDING EDGE
when we were talking 'bout it. I do remember tech term resonances and
cutting edge, avant garde
edginess, etc.

I recently read an article that used the phrase *bleeding edge *in relation
to money and class, specifically referring to the *bleeding edge *where the
poor come up against those with money
and lose, of course. Only the poor bleed (not just women, Alice C).

And I saw the title, and read the intro opening of Michael Hayden's memoir
of his time in Government, specifically running the NSA: PLAYING TO THE
EDGE and although he doesn't
speak of bloodiness in relation to choosing that title, it is implied. He
'played' right to the edge (of where we make others bleed).

Just some more resonances found in the wild.
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