not Martin but Mircea

Ian Livingston igrlivingston at
Fri May 20 14:49:04 CDT 2016

The history of man is the story of violence between tribes. We are humans,
ergo we kill, rape, and despoil. Still, we dream of peace, of harmony, and
of sustainability. Is that enough to justify our hegemony over the species
of life on Earth? Or even over one another? Though conformist in his youth,
does Eliade's work in the field of religions help to absolve him of his
error of conformity? Religion, after all, is the default setting for those
who lust after power, when they take what another tribe possesses. Eliade
certainly points toward the violence engendered in religion.

On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 11:58 PM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at> wrote:

> There always seem to be peope willing to hate the scapegoats and kill them
> if sanctioned. The hard thing is to speak out in your own time against
> popular violence. Eliade did not show any courage, humanity or scruples,
> but he is saying the same thing Netanyahu and Bill Clinton say about
> Palestinians, that they put civilians and children around them. In both
> cases the scruples of the soldiers were unaffected. I doubt that Romanians
> are any more subject to hate , fear and violence than others. Will those
> who promote hate for Muslims be ashamed as Eliade should be ashamed. Will
> they be held to any account at all. Will Kissinger face trials?
> > On May 19, 2016, at 1:31 AM, Jochen Stremmel <jstremmel at>
> wrote:
> >
> > In the annals of anti-Semitism, Romania holds a particularly egregious
> position. For example, it is estimated that 130,000 local Jews were
> slaughtered in Romanian-occupied Ukraine, and that Romanian forces
> massacred 150,000 Jews in the area of Odessa and Golta. In a pogrom in
> 1941, as Sebastian records in his Journal, Jews were herded into an
> abattoir and hanged by the neck on meat hooks. “A sheet of paper was stuck
> to each corpse: ‘Kosher Meat.’”
> >
> > Of course, Romania was not unique in this regard. In the early years of
> Nazi conquests in Eastern Europe the ravening enthusiasm for pogroms among
> the indigenous populations of countries such as Poland, Lithuania, and
> Estonia startled even the SS. However, the detestation of Jews among all
> levels of Romanian society, particularly intellectuals, was unrelenting.
> Here is a typical outburst, recorded in the Journal in September 1939:
> >
> > The Poles’ resistance in Warsaw is a Jewish resistance. Only yids are
> capable of the blackmail of putting women and children in the front line,
> to take advantage of the Germans’ sense of scruple…. What is happening on
> the frontier with Bukovina is a scandal, because new waves of Jews are
> flooding into the country. Rather than a Romania again invaded by kikes, it
> would be better to have a German protectorate.
> >
> > Who might the speaker be? Some embittered partisan, perhaps, or a
> street-corner orator? No: the speaker is Mircea Eliade, one of Romania’s
> leading scholars and writers of the time, who after the war slipped away to
> America and there became a highly respected and influential thinker and
> historian of religions. In 1937 Eliade says of a left-wing student flogged
> by Iron Guardists that personally he would have put his eyes out as well.
> Sebastian writes, “Perhaps one day things will have calmed down enough for
> me to read this page to Mircea and to see him blush with shame.”
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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