BtZ42/10 Stone-white cervix

David Morris fqmorris at
Sat May 21 14:09:43 CDT 2016

And he's being impregnated by a big brown shlong.  Isn't there someplace in
GR where Pynchon says whites fear blacks because their skin is the color of
shit?  Maybe that's in V.

On Saturday, May 21, 2016, János Széky <miksaapja at> wrote:

> 63 (Virgin pagination) While shit is prime reification in the Freudian
> context, here the child, first giving back what makes him an adult,
> including alcohol, is being born back through the "stone-white cervix".
> Also note the various signs or colors of coldness (stone-white, porcelain,
> silver) contrasted with organic brown. Animate-inanimate.
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