Red the Negro shoeshine boy

ish mailian ishmailian at
Sun May 22 06:49:35 CDT 2016

If we look back again to Weisenburger's article, "The End of History?
TP and the Use of the Past" (1979), not at his use of Dora material
that P palimpsests with astonishing craft, but at the comparisons and
contrasts  SW makes of P and Adams, that Henry Adams wrote that the
continuity snapped in 1900, and that for P the discontinuity of WWII,
a snap, as in Adams, by the Rocket, now to include even cause and
effect, we see how essential the reversal is, a rocket strikes, it
first explodes, then the sound of its coming in can be heard, the
screaming, that this reversal is not only as SW says, the main terror
of GR Part I, but also, as SW argues, a continuity of kinds as it
links GR to GR through Mondaugan's Story.

On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 7:19 AM, ish mailian <ishmailian at> wrote:
> Wonderful! And I would add that satire, so topical, so contextualized,
> for an audience and about that audience, including, of course the
> books they've read, like Macolm X, that serve as parodic material
> reversed, thus stimulating a reversal of reading. The fear of
> Blackness is revered, the conditioned White is flushed through history
> and scattered by Natural forces, Gravity and the Flow of waters, of
> music, of Orphic Song.
> On Sat, May 21, 2016 at 4:54 PM, János Széky <miksaapja at> wrote:
>> 63 (Viking): Malcolm has (at least semantically, as his hair was just
>> reddish brown) Enzian's colors: red and brown (black). Pynchon new this, and
>> incorporated it in Enzian's figure (as well as his homosexuality) while the
>> fictive Enzian's youth predates the real Malcolm's. A case of hysteron
>> proteron, as Weisenburger would put it?
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