BtZ42/11 Pirate & the core of paranoia

János Széky miksaapja at
Tue May 24 10:49:09 CDT 2016

71-72 (V) To make the message written in (Kryptosam) visible, you need
semen. (One of Dr. Jamf's fiendish inventions; how is this related to Baby
Tyrone's conditioning, Oneirine and Imipolex?) Now in the advertising
brochure they say a "proper stimulus" should be included, "which will
reliably produce tumescence and ejaculation".

Pirate wonders how They could know the "proper stimulus" (Scorpia &
fetishes) if he never told anyone. "Could They (They?) somehow have managed
to monitor everything he saw and read since puberty"?

Now precisely this was my nightmare during my own puberty in communist
Hungary at around the same time Pynchon wrote this (I also read a lot of
American science fiction, so it may not have been political, not directly
at least.) I mean somehow (in the technologically advanced future) the can
extract my thoughts and the things I have heard and sen from my brain.

Was it a coincidence, or was it in the air?
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