Into the Abyss
Arthur Fuller
fuller.artful at
Mon Aug 14 16:33:15 CDT 2017
I agree with you and Joseph, but there's a problem. The difficulty will
come when we try to define that new set of values. For example, I believe
that Big Money should be removed from the electoral process. There are
several ways of achieving that, but the main point is that any individual
should be allowed to contribute some mandated amount *in toto* to any given
party.(i.e. not on a per-candidate basis). Other people believe that a
voter ought to be able to contribute any amount, and spread the
contribution among numerous candidates. I also believe in a guaranteed
minimum income, and with it, a mandated maximum income, or as close to it
as possible (i.e. a 98% tax rate for the wealthiest 1%). I can well imagine
that a number of people would take serious objection to that proposal.
Similarly for public health care, which I believe should be free to all;
and also that public universities should be tuition-free. That is my notion
of democracy -- equal opportunity; but I know the howls either of these
proposals would elicit.
So, how would we go about assembling this new set of values and principles?
On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 5:14 PM, jesse gooch <jlguuch at> wrote:
> I’m with Joseph. As far as a solution to the larger problems, I don’t
> think anything besides the creation of a new set of values, and a new way
> of looking at how we do things, is a real, long term answer. The idea that
> we can just elect another member of the same club (that none of us belong
> to) to hopefully start doing what’s right, seems pointless to me. There
> will always be a lesser of the two evils that we will be better off with,
> but, IMO, it doesn’t constitute real change.
> On Aug 14, 2017, at 11:54 AM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at> wrote:
> I am not at all persuaded these alt right ideas ever receded very much or
> that they are only present when they take on the most blatant expressions
> of racism and celebration of international aggression. They have always had
> major voices in US mainstream politics from
> Mcnamara to Kissinger, from Clintonian economics to Friedman.
> I believe most of US history has been steeped in this same aggression and
> racism and post WW2 is not the exception but simply a time when these
> forces were more expertly disguised because they were overseas or otherwise
> made invisible( poor black areas becoming dumping grounds for toxics, stop
> and frisk). The only reprieve and change of direction with any lasting
> impact was FDR era socialism. The democrats have slowly but surely betrayed
> the best of those reforms while allowing a token inclusion of Black
> americans. For many individual americans of color this has been a dramatic
> positive thing, but statistically the problems remain as severe in
> Democratic regions as in Republican ones. Clinton’s policies of large scale
> incarceration as nasty in its long term effects as Bush era policies.
> Meanwhle the growth of international militarism at huge taxpayer expense
> has been consistently supported by both parties and most Media and is
> profoundly racist.
> Bernie showed there can be another voice with broad public appeal but the
> media clearly saw that as a threat.
> What I am saying is that the answer is not just a rejection of the
> undiluted fascism by imperial tweet, but the creation of a new body of
> values and practical solutions that look toward the end of hegemonic
> imperialism, and the beginning of sustainable local economies and
> politics. To give up on big ideas at this time seems wrong-headed to me.
> On Aug 13, 2017, at 4:35 PM, Mark Thibodeau <jerkyleboeuf at>
> wrote:
> Well, Drudge IS Jewish, after all. So theee must be at least a tiny
> speck of consciousness about this kind of stuff... race memory, if you
> will. At least enough to give him a frisson of uncanny, generational
> recognition.
> Re: the look and attire of the right-wing mob this time... on Twitter
> the self-described "scumbag left" (like the Chapo Trap House gang) are
> calling this "the Pussy Riot" and comedian Doug Stanhope has stepped
> up with a great solution for the next time there's a tiki
> torch-wielding bunch of Nazis marching through your town: water
> balloons filled with gasoline.
> The footage of that Nazi plowing through the crowd of peaceful
> protesters is harrowing and disgusting in its blatant, brazen
> cowardice.
> But I have to agree with you, Gary. Positive (by which I mean
> negative) reactions to this affront set aside for the moment, I do
> believe that the waters of the Rubicon are lapping at our collective
> toes. It's like the Powers That Be (or, in this case, the rogue Deep
> State faction that I've been calling the New Fascist International)
> have perfected some new form of brainwashing - a technique that leaves
> the subject/victim's mind not only altered, but booby-trapped against
> any and all attempts at reasoning with it.
> Real journalism is "Fake News". Lies in the service of the Far Right
> agenda are Truth. BLM = KKK. Immigration = White Genocide.
> Booby-trapped brains. Impervious to reason, logic, or empirical
> evidence that contradicts their erroneous beliefs. And with every
> passing day, everywhere you look, there's more of these fuckers. For
> fuck's sake, they're working in the WHITE HOUSE.
> We are so royally screwed.
> Jerky
> On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 4:02 PM, gary webb <gwebb8686 at> wrote:
> I don't know about the rest of the list but I've been unnaturally disturbed
> about the events of Charlottesville. As an American, I suppose I should be
> more cynical, and actually come to expect this sort of violence, but there
> is something off. Looking at the pictures, these Unite the Right guys look
> pretty unremarkable, like VCR repairman,not what I'd associate with
> storm-trooper, AKA Puck Beaverton, the resemble Arendt's depiction of
> Eichmann, not paramilitary types, which I've come to expect, but its
> nonetheless remarkable in 2017, that the "Blood and Soil" movement nonsense
> feels it can make a big PR-push into the mainstream.
> I found the President's silence to be remarkable, and David Duke's tweet,
> and this all goes back to that NRA video Jerky posted a while back, a
> campaign is afoot to provoke and demonize the left, and that's what these
> Alt-Right Nazis do, then the right has images which they spin to scare the
> hell out of paranoid suburbanites...
> It looks like the plan backfired, and an innocent woman was killed
> protesting, and others injured by some kamikaze white nationalist from
> Ohio.
> But I'm sure in the coming months or years, they will have their Horst
> Wessel... and the Right will continue to use these assholes as blunt
> instruments, just like the Weimar right did, thinking that they can control
> them, until its too late...
> -
> Pynchon-l /
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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