NP: RIP William Gass
Jochen Stremmel
jstremmel at
Thu Dec 7 11:09:35 CST 2017
"Why should you love every woman that walks by?"
Why not, theoretically speaking?
2017-12-07 16:16 GMT+01:00 Atticus Pinecone <atticuspinecone at>:
> On Dec 7, 2017, at 10:07 AM, Smoke Teff <smoketeff at> wrote:
> 50-by-stephen-schenkenberg/
> On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 9:07 AM, Smoke Teff <smoketeff at> wrote:
>> Gerke: Any thoughts on Sebald?
>> Gass: Didn’t read him. I read about 10 pages. That wasn’t just to him.
>> But I could see the rush of this wave of popularity that is almost a death
>> now. So I’m going to have to go back sometime when it’s calmed down and
>> see, because sometimes they’re actually very good. And I’m very arrogant
>> about my judgment. I don’t make mistakes.
>> Gerke: Is that the case with David Foster Wallace too?
>> Gass: He had great abilities. And I think he needed to tame them. I
>> think he was so good that he should’ve wanted to be better. And he wrote
>> some things that are going to stay around. And I wish he had stayed around
>> and done that. He had lots of smarts too. He was unlike a lot of writers
>> who are sort of dumb, theoretically speaking. Stanley was street-smart but
>> intellectually? Awful. But he didn’t need to be. Pynchon’s a case. I have
>> tried to read Pynchon with no success so far, but then I can’t read
>> Whitman—I try. So we just have blank spots. We can’t like everything, and I
>> don’t see any rule for it. Why should you love every woman that walks by?
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