December 2017 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Dec 1 03:57:28 CST 2017
Ending: Sun Dec 31 17:26:31 CST 2017
Messages: 547
- NP RIP Johnny Hallyday
Charles Albert
- NP RIP Johnny Hallyday
Charles Albert
- Tweet by Bill Buford on Twitter
Charles Albert
- NP - Best Innertubes Handle Ever?
Charles Albert
- NP - Fuck the White Working Class (Rude Pundit)
Charles Albert
- NP - Vonnegut
Charles Albert
- In Memoriam, Dave Monroe. As Twilight EST, US happens.
Charles Albert
- NP - wallowing in the banal
Charles Albert
- NP - wallowing in the banal
Charles Albert
- Shape of Water EOY movies
Charles Albert
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
Charles Albert
- Fun Fact: Brain Size & Evolution
John Bailey
- NP - Cat Person
John Bailey
- NP - Cat Person
John Bailey
- NP - Cat Person
John Bailey
- Asymmetrical Polarization
John Bailey
- M&D group read title
John Bailey
- Sorta P
John Bailey
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
John Bailey
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
John Bailey
- Not P but Roger Waters, Not Roger Waters but Amanda Palmer covering "Mother"
Allan Balliett
- NP: RIP William Gass
Allan Balliett
- Kanopy Streaming
Allan Balliett
- NP - Ray Donovan on Showtime
Allan Balliett
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Allan Balliett
- NP - Russell Howard on Netlix (Spoiler)
Allan Balliett
- NP - Ray Donovan on Showtime
Allan Balliett
- NP - Tin Star
Allan Balliett
- The UN agency which studies poverty hates Clinton too.
Allan Balliett
- NP - Tin Star
Allan Balliett
- NP - Tin Star
Allan Balliett
- bananas
Jemmy Bloocher
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Jemmy Bloocher
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Jemmy Bloocher
- GR translation: a hung-up tappet or two
L E Bryan
- Group Read
L E Bryan
- GR translation: pale yellow to white
L E Bryan
- M&D: Chapter 4 Sailors and Taverns and Bodines
L E Bryan
- Was someone defending Counterpoints here recently?
L E Bryan
- A good book I'm just now reading -
L E Bryan
- AtD translation: patent dinner pail
L E Bryan
- Shape of Water EOY movies
L E Bryan
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Erik T. Burns
- NP - Cat Person
Gene DA
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Keith Davis
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Keith Davis
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Keith Davis
- Mr. Pynchon and the Settling of Springfield
Keith Davis
- Anybody else following the theft of a Senate seat in Alabama as we speak?
Keith Davis
- Anybody else following the theft of a Senate seat in Alabama as we speak?
Keith Davis
- Anybody else following the theft of a Senate seat in Alabama as we speak?
Keith Davis
- Too bad, so sad.
Keith Davis
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Keith Davis
- The UN agency which studies poverty hates Clinton too.
Keith Davis
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Keith Davis
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Keith Davis
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Keith Davis
- Carnival as another Baby Jesus con game
Keith Davis
- NP - Tin Star
Keith Davis
- NP - Tin Star
Keith Davis
- NP - Tin Star
Keith Davis
- NP - Tin Star
Keith Davis
- NP - Tin Star
Keith Davis
- A good book I'm just now reading -
Keith Davis
- If God made me thus,
Keith Davis
- AtD translation: in a great heavenwide twinkling they came / Jesus-rapt ascensionary
Monte Davis
- GR translation: the male embodiment of a technologique
Monte Davis
- GR translation: a hung-up tappet or two
Monte Davis
- Group Read
Monte Davis
- Group Read
Monte Davis
- Group Read
Monte Davis
- Group Read
Monte Davis
- AtD translation: patent dinner pail
Monte Davis
- GR translation: booming over air-shafts
Monte Davis
- Cultural Cold War -- Pynchon mention
Thomas Eckhardt
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Thomas Eckhardt
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Thomas Eckhardt
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Thomas Eckhardt
- Too bad, so sad.
Thomas Eckhardt
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Thomas Eckhardt
- Not P, only the Counter-force. SPOILER: from the war-mongering, blood of millions on its hands, NYT
Thomas Eckhardt
- Fwd: just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Thomas Eckhardt
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Thomas Eckhardt
- Group Read
Thomas Eckhardt
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP - wallowing in the banal
David Elliott
- NP - wallowing in the banal
David Elliott
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Arthur Fuller
- Fun Fact: Brain Size & Evolution
Arthur Fuller
- Arbitrary reading rules
Arthur Fuller
- M&D: Chapter 4 Sailors and Taverns and Bodines
Arthur Fuller
- A Pynchon album for 2018
Christian Hänggi
- AtD translation: in a great heavenwide twinkling they came / Jesus-rapt ascensionary
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: in a great heavenwide twinkling they came / Jesus-rapt ascensionary
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: in a great heavenwide twinkling they came / Jesus-rapt ascensionary
Mike Jing
- GR translation: but Tchitcherine has been to Närrisch
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: in a great heavenwide twinkling they came / Jesus-rapt ascensionary
Mike Jing
- Re: GR translation: but Tchitcherine has been to Närrisch
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: in a great heavenwide twinkling they came / Jesus-rapt ascensionary
Mike Jing
- Re: GR translation: but Tchitcherine has been to Närrisch
Mike Jing
- GR translation: He will miss the Light, but not the Finger
Mike Jing
- GR translation: He will miss the Light, but not the Finger
Mike Jing
- GR translation: the male embodiment of a technologique
Mike Jing
- GR translation: the male embodiment of a technologique
Mike Jing
- GR translation: A Day at the Races (in more ways than one)
Mike Jing
- GR translation: A Day at the Races (in more ways than one)
Mike Jing
- GR translation: a hung-up tappet or two
Mike Jing
- GR translation: a hung-up tappet or two
Mike Jing
- GR translation: miles-down-the-sky shelves and food-mountains
Mike Jing
- GR translation: miles-down-the-sky shelves and food-mountains
Mike Jing
- GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Mike Jing
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Mike Jing
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Mike Jing
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Mike Jing
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Mike Jing
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Mike Jing
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Mike Jing
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Mike Jing
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Mike Jing
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Mike Jing
- GR translation: his present condition is set forth, by The Tower
Mike Jing
- GR translation: his present condition is set forth, by The Tower
Mike Jing
- GR translation: pale yellow to white
Mike Jing
- GR translation: alone in his tar circle, his chalk terror
Mike Jing
- GR translation: pale yellow to white
Mike Jing
- GR translation: alone in his tar circle, his chalk terror
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: patent dinner pail
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: patent dinner pail
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: patent dinner pail
Mike Jing
- GR translation: booming over air-shafts
Mike Jing
- bananas
Laura Kelber
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Laura Kelber
- NP - Cat Person
Laura Kelber
- NP - Cat Person
Laura Kelber
- NP - Cat Person
Laura Kelber
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Laura Kelber
- The Nation (P-List) bickering itself into fragments
Laura Kelber
- GR translation: his present condition is set forth, by The Tower
Laura Kelber
- NP - wallowing in the banal
Laura Kelber
- NP - wallowing in the banal
Laura Kelber
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
Laura Kelber
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
Laura Kelber
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Mark Kohut
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: "That masterpiece of self-pity, The Education of Henry Adams"--R. Hofstadter
Mark Kohut
- AtD translation: in a great heavenwide twinkling they came / Jesus-rapt ascensionary
Mark Kohut
- Re: GR translation: but Tchitcherine has been to Närrisch
Mark Kohut
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Mark Kohut
- Re: GR translation: but Tchitcherine has been to Närrisch
Mark Kohut
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Mark Kohut
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Mark Kohut
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Mark Kohut
- Prize-Winning Author-Critic William Gass Dead at 93
Mark Kohut
- Prize-Winning Author-Critic William Gass Dead at 93
Mark Kohut
- Short thread w a funny or two the link
Mark Kohut
- Prize-Winning Author-Critic William Gass Dead at 93
Mark Kohut
- NOT PYNCHON at all. Except maybe. Time magazine's choice
Mark Kohut
- GR translation: A Day at the Races (in more ways than one)
Mark Kohut
- NOT PYNCHON. But more diversity. As in his world-enwrapping fiction.
Mark Kohut
- Prize-Winning Author-Critic William Gass Dead at 93
Mark Kohut
- Prize-Winning Author-Critic William Gass Dead at 93
Mark Kohut
- NP RIP Johnny Hallyday
Mark Kohut
- Prize-Winning Author-Critic William Gass Dead at 93
Mark Kohut
- former Plister's FB post.
Mark Kohut
- That Pynchon knows everything important
Mark Kohut
- Tweet by Bill Buford on Twitter
Mark Kohut
- NP - Cat Person
Mark Kohut
- NP - Cat Person
Mark Kohut
- NP - Cat Person
Mark Kohut
- NP - Cat Person
Mark Kohut
- NP - Cat Person
Mark Kohut
- NP - Cat Person
Mark Kohut
- NP - Cat Person
Mark Kohut
- NP - Cat Person
Mark Kohut
- Not P but Cat Person...see link.
Mark Kohut
- NP - Cat Person
Mark Kohut
- NOT P, a dog person but ON CAT PERSON
Mark Kohut
Mark Kohut
- NOT P....more Cat Person mewling
Mark Kohut
- NP - Cat Person
Mark Kohut
- NP - Cat Person
Mark Kohut
- Not P (but his trope again. with a shoe shining too). Or N.O. Brown's
Mark Kohut
- Not p. Cat p.
Mark Kohut
- NP - Fuck the White Working Class (Rude Pundit)
Mark Kohut
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Mark Kohut
- NOT P. Bernie hisself, not any supposed "Bernie-type", on the Dems.
Mark Kohut
- GR translation: miles-down-the-sky shelves and food-mountains
Mark Kohut
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Mark Kohut
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Mark Kohut
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Mark Kohut
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Mark Kohut
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Mark Kohut
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Mark Kohut
- P: "Change your hair, change your life"--thru Solange,
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Here Atticus, some examples
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Here Atticus, some examples
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Mark Kohut
- Here Atticus, some examples
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- On Obama
Mark Kohut
- Nix and NP really
Mark Kohut
- Not P, only the Counter-force. SPOILER: from the war-mongering, blood of millions on its hands, NYT
Mark Kohut
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Kohut
- If you're not in W.A.S.T.E on Facebook, I thought this a cool thing to post
Mark Kohut
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Mark Kohut
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Mark Kohut
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Mark Kohut
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Mark Kohut
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Mark Kohut
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Mark Kohut
- Virginia House, that major state, where the r*tfcker thinkers of Southern fascism grew, is no longer Republican. By one vote. Voting matters.
Mark Kohut
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Google Alert - Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- Say wha
Mark Kohut
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Mark Kohut
- Say wha
Mark Kohut
- Virginia House, that major state, where the r*tfcker thinkers of Southern fascism grew, is no longer Republican. By one vote. Voting matters.
Mark Kohut
- No subject
Mark Kohut
- No subject
Mark Kohut
- No subject
Mark Kohut
- Those harmonic equivalencies...
Mark Kohut
- The UN agency which studies poverty hates Clinton too.
Mark Kohut
- Virginia House, that major state, where the r*tfcker thinkers of Southern fascism grew, is no longer Republican. By one vote. Voting matters.
Mark Kohut
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Mark Kohut
- Good Morning, Group Read!
Mark Kohut
- Group Read
Mark Kohut
- Group Read
Mark Kohut
- The UN agency which studies poverty hates Clinton too.
Mark Kohut
- Group Read
Mark Kohut
- Group Read
Mark Kohut
- The Nation (P-List) bickering itself into fragments
Mark Kohut
- In Memoriam, Dave Monroe. As Twilight EST, US happens.
Mark Kohut
- A visit from St. Nick by Ernest H, sorta. Merry Christmas all.
Mark Kohut
- GR translation: alone in his tar circle, his chalk terror
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon and Christmastime
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon & Christmastime, follow-up
Mark Kohut
- M& D Group Read
Mark Kohut
- M& D Group Read
Mark Kohut
- NP - wallowing in the banal
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Google Alert - Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- M&D first notes
Mark Kohut
- NP - wallowing in the banal
Mark Kohut
- NP - wallowing in the banal
Mark Kohut
- M&D: p. 7: Philadelphia Pudding?
Mark Kohut
- M & D Group Read 2017-18. Chapter the First
Mark Kohut
- M & D Group Read Cont. Or, I lost it at the movies.
Mark Kohut
- M & D Group Read Cont. Or, I lost it at the movies.
Mark Kohut
- from a blogger, 10 years old now, Happy New Read.
Mark Kohut
- Re: M&D: Learnédness (vs. Bornness//as reason for hope?)
Mark Kohut
- Re: M&D: Learnédness (vs. Bornness//as reason for hope?)
Mark Kohut
- Re: M&D: Learnédness (vs. Bornness//as reason for hope?)
Mark Kohut
- Say wha
Krafft, John M.
- Say wha
Krafft, John M.
- Carnival as another Baby Jesus con game
Krafft, John M.
- Group Read
- M&D: p. 7: Philadelphia Pudding?
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Becky Lindroos
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Becky Lindroos
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Becky Lindroos
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Becky Lindroos
- Fun Fact: Brain Size & Evolution
Becky Lindroos
- NP - Cat Person
Becky Lindroos
- NP - Cat Person
Becky Lindroos
- A good book I'm just now reading -
Becky Lindroos
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Ian Livingston
- Anybody else following the theft of a Senate seat in Alabama as we speak?
Ian Livingston
- Anybody else following the theft of a Senate seat in Alabama as we speak?
Ian Livingston
- Anybody else following the theft of a Senate seat in Alabama as we speak?
Ian Livingston
- Anybody else following the theft of a Senate seat in Alabama as we speak?
Ian Livingston
- P: "Change your hair, change your life"--thru Solange,
Ian Livingston
- Mr. Pynchon and the Settling of Springfield
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Henry Kissinger & Ingeborg Bachmann
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- NP - Cat Person
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Heidegger/Pynchon
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- NP - Cat Person
Mundo M
- AtD translation: in a great heavenwide twinkling they came / Jesus-rapt ascensionary
Paul Mackin
- AtD translation: in a great heavenwide twinkling they came / Jesus-rapt ascensionary
Paul Mackin
- GR translation: the male embodiment of a technologique
Paul Mackin
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Robert Mahnke
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Robert Mahnke
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Robert Mahnke
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Robert Mahnke
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Robert Mahnke
- Too bad, so sad.
Robert Mahnke
- Too bad, so sad.
Robert Mahnke
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Robert Mahnke
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Robert Mahnke
- Here Atticus, some examples
Robert Mahnke
- Too bad, so sad.
Robert Mahnke
- Too bad, so sad.
Robert Mahnke
- Too bad, so sad.
Robert Mahnke
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Robert Mahnke
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Robert Mahnke
- enough insults already
Robert Mahnke
- Virginia House, that major state, where the r*tfcker thinkers of Southern fascism grew, is no longer Republican. By one vote. Voting matters.
Robert Mahnke
- NP - Russell Howard on Netlix (Spoiler)
Johnny Marr
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
Johnny Marr
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
Johnny Marr
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
Johnny Marr
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
Johnny Marr
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
Johnny Marr
- Group Read
Matthew McKeever
- GR translation: He will miss the Light, but not the Finger
Jamie McKittrick
- NP - wallowing in the banal
Rob Miller
- AtD translation: in a great heavenwide twinkling they came / Jesus-rapt ascensionary
David Morris
- Re: GR translation: but Tchitcherine has been to Närrisch
David Morris
- Fun Fact: Brain Size & Evolution
David Morris
- Fun Fact: Brain Size & Evolution
David Morris
- Netflix "Godless"
David Morris
- Chicago 1850 to 1910
David Morris
- Fun Fact: Brain Size & Evolution
David Morris
- Fun Fact: Brain Size & Evolution
David Morris
- Henry Kissinger & Ingeborg Bachmann
David Morris
- NP Maria Bamford
David Morris
- Kanopy Streaming
David Morris
- Kanopy Streaming
David Morris
- NP - Cat Person
David Morris
- Anybody else following the theft of a Senate seat in Alabama as we speak?
David Morris
- NP - Fuck the White Working Class (Rude Pundit)
David Morris
- Asymmetrical Polarization
David Morris
- Asymmetrical Polarization
David Morris
- NP - movie: The Cruise. Documentary.
David Morris
- Asymmetrical Polarization
David Morris
- Wormwood
David Morris
- NP - Ray Donovan on Showtime
David Morris
- P: "Change your hair, change your life"--thru Solange,
David Morris
- NP - Netflix: Ash vs. Evil Dead
David Morris
- Too bad, so sad.
David Morris
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
David Morris
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
David Morris
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
David Morris
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
David Morris
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
David Morris
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
David Morris
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
David Morris
- NP - Russell Howard on Netlix (Spoiler)
David Morris
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
David Morris
- NP - Elections Have Consequences
David Morris
- NP - Tin Star
David Morris
- The UN agency which studies poverty hates Clinton too.
David Morris
- NP - Tin Star
David Morris
- NP - Tin Star
David Morris
- NP - Tin Star
David Morris
- GR translation: his present condition is set forth, by The Tower
David Morris
- NP - The Better Angels
David Morris
- NP - "Bright" Netflix
David Morris
- NP - Tin Star
David Morris
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
David Morris
- Sorta P
David Morris
- NP - wallowing in the banal
David Morris
- If God made me thus,
David Morris
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
David Morris
- If God made me thus,
David Morris
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
David Morris
- bananas
Atticus Pinecone
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Atticus Pinecone
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Atticus Pinecone
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Atticus Pinecone
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Atticus Pinecone
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Atticus Pinecone
- NP: RIP William Gass
Atticus Pinecone
- Prize-Winning Author-Critic William Gass Dead at 93
Atticus Pinecone
- Prize-Winning Author-Critic William Gass Dead at 93
Atticus Pinecone
- NP: RIP William Gass
Atticus Pinecone
Atticus Pinecone
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Atticus Pinecone
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Atticus Pinecone
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Atticus Pinecone
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Atticus Pinecone
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Atticus Pinecone
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Atticus Pinecone
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Atticus Pinecone
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Atticus Pinecone
- Too bad, so sad.
Atticus Pinecone
- Too bad, so sad.
Atticus Pinecone
- Here Atticus, some examples
Atticus Pinecone
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Atticus Pinecone
- Here Atticus, some examples
Atticus Pinecone
- Here Atticus, some examples
Atticus Pinecone
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Atticus Pinecone
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Atticus Pinecone
- Too bad, so sad.
Atticus Pinecone
- Here Atticus, some examples
Atticus Pinecone
- Not P, only the Counter-force. SPOILER: from the war-mongering, blood of millions on its hands, NYT
Atticus Pinecone
- Not P, only the Counter-force. SPOILER: from the war-mongering, blood of millions on its hands, NYT
Atticus Pinecone
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Atticus Pinecone
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Atticus Pinecone
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Atticus Pinecone
- Sooo Mason and Dixon?
- Another line dividing America - M&D - How the original US-Mexico border markers led to decades of fear and antipathy
James Robertson
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
James Robertson
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
Richard Romeo
- Group Read
Mike Sauve
- Pynchon & Christmastime, follow-up
Mike Sauve
- M&D: Chapter 4 Sailors and Taverns and Bodines
Mike Sauve
- M&D: Chapter 4 Sailors and Taverns and Bodines
Neel Shah
- M & D Group Read Cont. Or, I lost it at the movies.
Neel Shah
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Drake Smith
- NP - Cat Person
Drake Smith
- bananas
Jochen Stremmel
- NP RIP Johnny Hallyday
Jochen Stremmel
- NP: RIP William Gass
Jochen Stremmel
- former Plister's FB post.
Jochen Stremmel
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Jochen Stremmel
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Jochen Stremmel
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Jochen Stremmel
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Jochen Stremmel
- I'm trying to find mail from the earlier M&D group read...
Jochen Stremmel
- AtD translation: patent dinner pail
Jochen Stremmel
- If God made me thus,
Jochen Stremmel
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Matthew Taylor
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Matthew Taylor
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Matthew Taylor
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Matthew Taylor
- NP: RIP William Gass
Smoke Teff
- NP: RIP William Gass
Smoke Teff
- NP: RIP William Gass
Smoke Teff
Smoke Teff
- NP Maria Bamford
Smoke Teff
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Smoke Teff
- Group Read
Smoke Teff
- M&D: Christmas/Evensong in Gravity's Rainbow
Smoke Teff
- The Nation (P-List) bickering itself into fragments
Smoke Teff
- Group Read
Smoke Teff
- The Nation (P-List) bickering itself into fragments
Smoke Teff
- M&D: p. 7: Philadelphia Pudding?
Smoke Teff
- Group Read
Smoke Teff
- Group Read
Smoke Teff
- NP: Just finished re-watching Mad Men
Smoke Teff
- M&D: Learnédness (vs. Bornness//as reason for hope?)
Smoke Teff
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Mark Thibodeau
- Everything okay out there in Pynchon-land?
Mark Thibodeau
- NP: RIP William Gass
Mark Thibodeau
- Prize-Winning Author-Critic William Gass Dead at 93
Mark Thibodeau
Mark Thibodeau
Mark Thibodeau
- NP - Cat Person
Mark Thibodeau
- Anybody else following the theft of a Senate seat in Alabama as we speak?
Mark Thibodeau
- NP - Cat Person
Mark Thibodeau
- NP - movie: The Cruise. Documentary.
Mark Thibodeau
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Thibodeau
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Thibodeau
- Here Atticus, some examples
Mark Thibodeau
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Mark Thibodeau
- Too bad, so sad.
Mark Thibodeau
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Mark Thibodeau
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Mark Thibodeau
- Fwd: just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Mark Thibodeau
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Mark Thibodeau
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Mark Thibodeau
- Virginia House, that major state, where the r*tfcker thinkers of Southern fascism grew, is no longer Republican. By one vote. Voting matters.
Mark Thibodeau
- NP - Russell Howard on Netlix (Spoiler)
Mark Thibodeau
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Mark Thibodeau
- Virginia House, that major state, where the r*tfcker thinkers of Southern fascism grew, is no longer Republican. By one vote. Voting matters.
Mark Thibodeau
- Virginia House, that major state, where the r*tfcker thinkers of Southern fascism grew, is no longer Republican. By one vote. Voting matters.
Mark Thibodeau
- Virginia House, that major state, where the r*tfcker thinkers of Southern fascism grew, is no longer Republican. By one vote. Voting matters.
Mark Thibodeau
- The UN agency which studies poverty hates Clinton too.
Mark Thibodeau
- Virginia House, that major state, where the r*tfcker thinkers of Southern fascism grew, is no longer Republican. By one vote. Voting matters.
Mark Thibodeau
- Virginia House, that major state, where the r*tfcker thinkers of Southern fascism grew, is no longer Republican. By one vote. Voting matters.
Mark Thibodeau
- I'm trying to find mail from the earlier M&D group read...
Mark Thibodeau
- I'm trying to find mail from the earlier M&D group read...
Mark Thibodeau
- Heidegger/Pynchon
Mark Thibodeau
- NP - wallowing in the banal
Mark Thibodeau
- Was someone defending Counterpoints here recently?
Mark Thibodeau
- NP - wallowing in the banal
Mark Thibodeau
- NP - wallowing in the banal
Mark Thibodeau
- If God made me thus,
Mark Thibodeau
- Shape of Water EOY movies
Mark Thibodeau
- Fun Fact: Brain Size & Evolution
Joseph Tracy
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Joseph Tracy
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Joseph Tracy
- Too bad, so sad.
Joseph Tracy
- Too bad, so sad.
Joseph Tracy
- Too bad, so sad.
Joseph Tracy
- Too bad, so sad.
Joseph Tracy
- Too bad, so sad.
Joseph Tracy
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Joseph Tracy
- Here Atticus, some examples
Joseph Tracy
- Asymmetrical Polarization
Joseph Tracy
- Here Atticus, some examples
Joseph Tracy
- Too bad, so sad.
Joseph Tracy
- Too bad, so sad.
Joseph Tracy
- Too bad, so sad.
Joseph Tracy
- Too bad, so sad.
Joseph Tracy
- Fwd: Too bad, so sad.
Joseph Tracy
- Too bad, so sad.
Joseph Tracy
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Joseph Tracy
- Fwd: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Joseph Tracy
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Joseph Tracy
- Fwd: The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Joseph Tracy
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Joseph Tracy
- The Purity Test (stop shitting in the punch bowl)
Joseph Tracy
- just today more...on that phony Russiagate fake news story...
Joseph Tracy
- Re: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Joseph Tracy
- Virginia House, that major state, where the r*tfcker thinkers of Southern fascism grew, is no longer Republican. By one vote. Voting matters.
Joseph Tracy
- Fwd: GR translation: lined up with the rooms’ diagonals
Joseph Tracy
- NP - wallowing in the banal
Joseph Tracy
- M&D first notes
Joseph Tracy
- NP - wallowing in the banal
Joseph Tracy
- NP - wallowing in the banal
Joseph Tracy
- M& D Group Read
Joseph Tracy
- M& D Group Read
Joseph Tracy
- Shape of Water EOY movies
Joseph Tracy
- M & D Group Read 2017-18. Chapter the First
Joseph Tracy
- M&D Ch 7
Joseph Tracy
- Shape of Water EOY movies
Joseph Tracy
- Re: M&D: Learnédness (vs. Bornness//as reason for hope?)
Joseph Tracy
- P: "Change your hair, change your life"--thru Solange,
Gary Webb
- AtD translation: in a great heavenwide twinkling they came / Jesus-rapt ascensionary
- GR: tulips (a reigning madness of the time), p. 108
- I'm trying to find mail from the earlier M&D group read...
- Asymmetrical Polarization
matthew cissell
- Prize-Winning Author-Critic William Gass Dead at 93
jbloocher at
- Sooo Mason and Dixon?
jbloocher at
- Virginia House, that major state, where the r*tfcker thinkers of Southern fascism grew, is no longer Republican. By one vote. Voting matters.
msacha1121 at
- Virginia House, that major state, where the r*tfcker thinkers of Southern fascism grew, is no longer Republican. By one vote. Voting matters.
msacha1121 at
- P: "Change your hair, change your life"--thru Solange,
jesse gooch
- Sooo Mason and Dixon?
da kid
- Group Read
ish mailian
- NP RIP Johnny Hallyday
- Here Atticus, some examples
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
- NP - End of Year Movies: Unseen Gems Edition
- Paul Nightingale Reading Mason & Dixon
bulb at
- The Nation (P-List) bickering itself into fragments
gary webb
- The Nation (P-List) bickering itself into fragments
gary webb
Last message date:
Sun Dec 31 17:26:31 CST 2017
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 19:16:50 CST 2018
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