Anybody else following the theft of a Senate seat in Alabama as we speak?

Ian Livingston igrlivingston at
Tue Dec 12 19:44:57 CST 2017

Mmmhm! Let's see where THIS takes us, eh?

On Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 5:08 PM, Mark Thibodeau <jerkyleboeuf at>

> Police making a show of force at minority-heavy polling stations, stopping
> people on the way to the polls on slim pretenses and taking an hour to
> write a ticket, the apparent mass-removal of people from the voter rolls -
> even people who'd voted in every election up until the Presidential
> election of 2016 - and being forced to fill out bizarre forms before they
> can even cast a provisional ballot (most of which never even get counted
> any fucking way)...
> Follow Mike Farb on Twitter if you want nightmare fuel for the next week
> or two. He points out: "If the GOP have to resort to THESE tactics in
> Alabama of all places, it makes you wonder if there really are any
> legitimately RED states out there."
> J
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