Here Atticus, some examples
Mark Thibodeau
jerkyleboeuf at
Mon Dec 18 17:44:43 CST 2017
Hillary's "lies" exposed by WikiLeaks?
Now I know you've drunk the alt-left, tankie,
America-belongs-on-the-ash-heap-of-history-maaaaan, Howard Zinn school of
dudebro leftism.
In case you weren't aware, Pinecone, Assange lost all credibility like two
or three years ago. It is now patently obvious that he is a Kremlin
operative, either a Useful Idiot or a kompormat-insured intel asset. Even
Oedipus could see that, it's so fucking obvious.
As for Snowden... well, let's just say his whole post-escape trajectory
makes a whole lot more sense when we see him as being in the grips of the
Putin Project tentacle of the New Fascist International octopus than it
does from literally any other perspective.
Just ask his girlfriend!
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 5:39 PM, Joseph Tracy <brook7 at> wrote:
> The best American Journalist on the topic of drug trafficking and police
> and govt corruption in Mexico was Charles Bowden who died a few years ago.
> He wrote several books including the dark and powerful Murder City: Ciudad
> Juarez and the Global Economy. I read that book and some articles he wrote
> for Harpers. After reading what he and others had the guts to uncover you
> realize that many mainstream journalists are either lazy or just don’t care
> about the truth when it comes to Mexico. One of my best friend’s parents
> live in Mexico and their picture confirms Bowden’s reports. I think
> Democracy Now has also done a good job with stories from central America
> and interviewed Bowden a few times.
> The hard thing to understand from US media coverage and central to
> Bowden’s investigation is the degree to which cartel members or agents are
> embedded in the local police, US border patrol and Federales. Bowden said
> people in the cartels say they comprise as much as 1/3rd of police in
> border cities and are heavily infiltrated into the Federal police. He also
> argues that many Federal actions against cartels are really just unspoken
> alliances with one criminal group or another. The whole thing is very
> creepy and then there is the obvious fact that violence is being used for
> political reasons and blamed on drug cartels as in the disappeared students.
> I don’t know what else could explain the large number of murdered
> journalists with vitually no capture or prosecution of the killers. It
> isn’t that Mexican government spokespeople celebrate these murders , they
> just don’t do jack shit to stop them.
> > On Dec 18, 2017, at 3:09 PM, rich <richard.romeo at> wrote:
> >
> > Those who cover Mexico as in so many things the media covers end up
> circling back following the latest outrage to well-trod storylines about
> lack of strong institutions and government corruption, things we've known
> about for decades. A Mexican journalist was asked once why he bolted the
> country following threats to him and his family (a veiled disappointment
> from the interviewer was unspoken that a journalist would do such a thing).
> His response was these people wont argue with you, won't tried to get you
> fired, wont make you look bad in the public eye, they will simply kill you
> and your whole family. Rolling Stone isnt covering Mexico. No one is really
> >
> > On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 2:47 PM, Atticus Pinecone <
> atticuspinecone at> wrote:
> > Yeah we may never know what really happened in the Ukraine that day &
> after.
> >
> > As for Mexico, why is Rolling Stone the one covering it (usually
> laughably)? I understand you are in danger for reporting on it, even in
> America, but well... who knows... There's only ever a stray article buried
> in the middle of the paper.
> >
> > I'll think about the false equivalency thing, but I don't agree at the
> moment.
> >
> > On Dec 18, 2017, at 2:26 PM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
> >
> >> Yeah, "each one (or the aggregate) is tame compared to the other side
> of the coin"
> >>
> >> false equivalency.
> >>
> >> I have been scared shitless and informed about the horror south of the
> border....
> >>
> >> Yeah, we need the whole staff of the London Review of Books in Ukraine,
> haha, to get more truth.
> >>
> >> On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 2:18 PM, Atticus Pinecone <
> atticuspinecone at> wrote:
> >> Very cool of you to line this stuff up. Thank you. And I don't think
> it's a waste of time...
> >>
> >> And many of these came to mind when I asked—but each one is tame
> compared to the other side of the coin.
> >>
> >> Stickin' it to the man is important, but it's the same ballgame that
> allows the Ukraine to kill protesters with, as far as I can tell, minimal
> outrage in the media. The same media that does not report on the full
> horror south of the border. That's what springs to mind.
> >>
> >> Sorry for ranting.
> >>
> >> > On Dec 18, 2017, at 1:07 PM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > I feel like wasting my time with finger exercises today.
> >> >
> >> > Since we are back to the Vietnam era via Joseph, then how about that
> Wa Po
> >> > which brought down the most criminal President before the current one?
> >> > and the NYT on the Pentagon papers publishing?
> >> >
> >> > How about James Risen on national secrets in the NYT...I remember
> that Friday morning...
> >> > was driving long with my loved one and was the passenger...i often
> read to her......there was that
> >> > story, right hand prime space column...
> >> >
> >> > David Sanger on the Stuxnet virus. David Sanger on a hell of a lot of
> secrets.
> >> >
> >> > Marty Baron when he was at the Boston Globe and the Spotlight team
> which brought down
> >> > the whole Catholic hierarchy of Boston--and its power and control.
> >> >
> >> > How about Bob Woodward (and his assistant) in the Wa Po last December
> on the Pentagon study
> >> > of Waste, Fraud & Abuse which they commissioned and found to be $25
> billion dollars a year (or $125
> >> > billion for the five years) which THEY BURIED, of course, rather than
> make public. Which the Post did.
> >> >
> >> > How about the Wash Post with nine (9) sources outing the now
> pled-guilty to crimes former National Security Advisor ,
> >> > General Michael Flynn, fired because of it and more and now caught
> because of it...
> >> >
> >> > and like that.
> >>
> >
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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