The UN agency which studies poverty hates Clinton too.

Allan Balliett allan.balliett at
Thu Dec 21 23:00:24 CST 2017

The Democracy Now! interview with  U.N. Special Rapporteur on Poverty
Philip Alston revealed the deep failure of American compassion apparent in
the new tax bill. This limited view of human and social rights  is one
reason real empathy  has never been able to penetrate the
self-righteousness that armors true Christian charity in these United

*PHILIP ALSTON:* Well, the United States is unique. First of all, it
doesn’t recognize what we call social rights at the international level—a
right to healthcare, a right to housing, a right to food. The United States
is unique in that, saying these are not rights.

Second, the issue with elimination of poverty always is around resources:
“We don’t have the money.” The United States, again, uniquely, has the
money. It could eliminate poverty overnight, if it wanted to. What we’re
seeing now is the classic—it’s a political choice. Where do you want to put
your money? Into the very rich or into creating a decent society, which
will actually be economically more productive than just giving the money to
those who already have a lot?

Allan in WV

On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 10:22 PM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> Just "locker room talk?"  ;)
> All stand-ups bomb now and then.  But watch that cryptic thing.  It takes
a master to pull that off.
> David Morris
> On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 9:11 PM Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
>> Yes, I meant it in full sarcasm, full alt-truth. A bad idea for
>> Sorry, all. Too stupid by twice.
>> It was about Trump.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 21, 2017, at 3:37 PM, Mark Thibodeau <jerkyleboeuf at>
>> Among other problems with your assertion, the word "Clinton" doesn't
even appear even once in the document that you linked.
>> J
>> On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 12:33 AM, Keith Davis <kbob42 at> wrote:
>>> Anyone who reaches a position of power has compromised
>>> On Dec 20, 2017, at 9:37 PM, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:
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