GR translation: his present condition is set forth, by The Tower

Laura Kelber laurakelber at
Sat Dec 23 21:00:53 CST 2017

Described, presented.

On Dec 23, 2017 9:27 PM, "Mike Jing" < at> wrote:

> V747.27-34, P762.20-28   Of 77 cards that could have come up, Weissmann is
> “covered,” that is his present condition is set forth, by The Tower. It is
> a puzzling card, and everybody has a different story on it. It shows a bolt
> of lightning striking a tall phallic structure, and two figures, one
> wearing a crown falling from it. Some read ejaculation, and leave it at
> that. Others see a Gnostic or Cathar symbol for the Church of Rome, and
> this is generalized to mean any System which cannot tolerate heresy: a
> system which, by its nature, must sooner or later fall. We know by now that
> it is also the Rocket.
> What exactly does "set forth" mean here?
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