Not P but Disinformation ?

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sun Jul 30 12:31:00 CDT 2017

He was NEVER ignored. He was---and still is---the legendary Sy Hersh, who
helped many of today's top investigative reporters---and the editors who
use their work--be as
relentless in getting to the truth(s) as they want to be and are.

The New Yorker, who had first rights to Hersh's work not long ago and, if
you have been a steady reader, loved his and similar reporting, going back
to Hershey's *Hiroshima* and Jonathon Schell's *The Fate of the Earth*
than Hersh's work but simpatico) and HERSH'S WORK in The New Yorker since
his legend-making Vietnam and Cambodia reporting--and others I can't
remember---and I'm not gonna look up. The New Yorker, legendarily among the
finest edited and fact-checked magazines ever,  stopped taking these recent
pieces from Hersh---and refuse to give a reason. As kind-hearted Paul
Mackin suggests, Remnick is NOT going to diss him publicly, evidently
kindness in his public heart too.....but, the reporting did not hold up,
all know, and they could not publish it---out of reputational
self-interest, if for no other reason.

When it went next to the Washington Post, they too turned it down...Marty
Baron, who will perhaps go down in journalistic history as even a better
managing editor and cultivator
of great reporters than Ben Bradlee,---who would have gone to jail happily
for Sy in the old days,  quietly said, "we had trouble with the
sourcing".......scores of readers and fact- checkers of Hersh's recent
reporting say: mostly dicey single-sourcing. Dicey in that he, Hersh, heard
from unreliable narrators of supposed 'facts"....when Seymour  heard the
horrible truths of My Lai and re Cambodia and Nixon--Kissinger's secrets,
just as examples, he was getting *truth.*, few believe he is......he
cannot get the journalistic minimums of two independent sources anymore and
no one can confirm independently much of what he reports.....
ASIDE, I love how Marty Baron had the fact that they had NINE (9) sources
for their story that brought down Gen Flynn put RIGHT INTO the first lines
of the story....THAT'S how right he wanted to be.......then SY went to the
very left and European and terrif mag,---look up David Bromwich on Pres
Trump---THE LONDON REVIEW OF BOOKS, known for more lax fact-checking, no
and got his last before the current one published...then they would not
take the latest because all of the mags are now getting assailed re Hersh
and his lack of verifiable sourcing and his mistakes, his
steadily-accummulating  mistakes.
    Now the German mag which has published the last---an old editor friend
of Hersh's-- is suffering the reputational l loss and ....

we will see where Sy Hersh goes next...

As he recently said to another reporter asking him questions about
discrepancies in his reporting and his experts' "I just write it and move
on". So we will see where he goes next, I repeat.

He has not been a great reporter recently, in fact is a bad one who
effectively cannot get hired by the kind of places who PAID HIM BIG MONEY
NOT LONG AGO. These recent years, ANY of his major outlets would have loved
ANY of his true scoops---circulation and reputation skyrocket---if they
were true.

Maybe he will recover himself, who knows, He was a great reporter once--and
he is still courageously trying hard to get new stories, it seems.

On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 12:36 PM, da kid <peterock86 at> wrote:

> Okay I see yeah I agree there. I know he had to go to some big right wing
> German publication to get his story printed. So yeah I think it is messed
> you or at least odd that he was completely ignored.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Thomas Eckhardt <thomas.eckhardt at>
> *Sent:* Sunday, July 30, 2017 7:36:34 AM
> *To:* da kid; Allan Balliett; Pynchon-l
> *Subject:* Re: Not P but Disinformation ?
> Am 29.07.2017 um 19:40 schrieb da kid:
> >     I don't know about that Seynour Hersch Syria story. He has
> > apparently done great work in the past but his report is based off of
> > one single source that he says is a military adviser. His story is
> > contradicted by all the UN chemical weapons inspector's reports too.
> > Although, again on RT, I read that the UN inspector's did not follow
> > the normal protocol and their escort was a rebel sympathizer or
> > something. So I don't know what to believe. Hersch's story seems less
> > reliable though
> This is not the point. Doubt him, debate him, debunk him. But to
> basically suppress his voice and dismiss his claims out of hand is
> disgraceful. The man is the most renowned investigative journalist in
> the US.
> As for the debating, only a short remark: RT is obviously referring to
> the CW incident in Ghouta in 2013. After the latest serious incident,
> the UN inspectors visited neither Idlib/Khan Sheikoun nor the Syrian
> airforce base at Sheyrat.
> Here is the OPCW report:
> Mission/s-1510-2017_e_.pdf
> The OPCW is an immensely important institution whose reports may decide
> about war and peace. So this is interesting:
> arms-watchdog-was-seen-as-an-obstacle-in-iraq.html
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