NOT PYNCHON, not at all. Except that he should have gotten a Nobel already but won't,

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Tue Oct 24 06:07:28 CDT 2017

and this is about two Nobelists and another who is perennially on the low
odds shortlist.

Did you know, or care, that another Nobelist, Harold Pinter wrote the
'still unpublished' screenplay
for the movie version of REMAINS OF THE DAY? But then did not want his name
on it (assuming
some changes were made) and Ruth Jhabvala is listed as sole screenplay
writer? I wonder if it has
to do with the key historical time shift that seriously weakens the movie?
(And, misc curious tidbit:
The novel is set/told in 1956, the year of the Suez Crisis and all it meant
for England, the West,
while Pinter set the movie in 1954--which is foreshadowingly subtle but Ms.
Jhabvala and Mr. Ivory
set it in 1958. (This is not the time shift that sabotages the movie,
 But why these leapfrog years in the execution? Enquiring minds want to

A--and I have learned that Haruki Murakami wrote an introduction to a
special volume of new stories by a few
new English authors back in the day which included three stories by
Ishiguro. Yeah, he would have read him steadily and fully,
I suggest. The mysteries of the unsaid, the unadmitted. They are both so
English and so Japanese, whatever that means I say superficially,
Ishiguro especially Japanese in the earliest works.

A--and, the Swedish Academy which preaches that the Literature Prize is not
political, slyly gave us another winner
whose most famous work is "about" the rise of fascistic nationalism in the
world, among other themes.
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