Jonathan Reese Narration / Philadelphia

Mike Sauve mpsauve at
Sun Oct 29 20:22:57 CDT 2017

Can I quickly note that this man's Narration of *Mason and Dixon* is not
just the greatest audiobook performance of all time, but maybe the greatest
actorly/spoken word accomplishment of all time. He wrings every last drop
of dry humour out of every tangled series of clauses. Even how he says the
names, "Dix-onnn," nagging, paternal, full of love.

On my first listen many of the sequences went totally over my head, but I
didn't care. The delightful repartee was enough to keep me going. And
eventually I'd supplement my listening with the Wiki and began to have some
sense of what was happening.

I'm now on my second listen and enjoying it even more. I really, really
love this audiobook. It's been unavailable for some time except as a
special order on cassette tape. But it is available in arrr, certain dark
corners of the internet.

Also, I'm going to Philadelphia in two weeks. Any M & D spots worth
checking out?
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