Jonathan Reese Narration / Philadelphia

Sangkug Yi slowdrop at
Sun Oct 29 20:30:56 CDT 2017

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll give it a try.

> On Oct 30, 2017, at 10:22 AM, Mike Sauve <mpsauve at> wrote:
> Can I quickly note that this man's Narration of Mason and Dixon is not just the greatest audiobook performance of all time, but maybe the greatest actorly/spoken word accomplishment of all time. He wrings every last drop of dry humour out of every tangled series of clauses. Even how he says the names, "Dix-onnn," nagging, paternal, full of love.
> On my first listen many of the sequences went totally over my head, but I didn't care. The delightful repartee was enough to keep me going. And eventually I'd supplement my listening with the Wiki and began to have some sense of what was happening.
> I'm now on my second listen and enjoying it even more. I really, really love this audiobook. It's been unavailable for some time except as a special order on cassette tape. But it is available in arrr, certain dark corners of the internet. 
> Also, I'm going to Philadelphia in two weeks. Any M & D spots worth checking out? 

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