what to read before the Read?

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 04:18:01 CDT 2017

Richard Hofstadter's America at 1750
America at 1750: A Social Portrait
12, 1973
by Richard Hofstadter

The US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Maybe the Federalist Papers.

And all the works of literature TRP buries allusions to in M & D. Such as

And Murakami's *Men Without Women* which has NO RELEVANCE at all
to M & D but which I throw on here because a separate post suggesting that
all who like and all who don't like Murakami, as expressed on the Plist,
will be
irrelevant so unnecessary, but I just want to 'share'--today's good
word--that all
who don't would be missing a new collection of stories as imaginative as
any being written and that is one of the best of our time.

And place in it. IMHO.

#PerpWalk Monday
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