Not P but DeLillo: Zero K Chinese Translation

Sangkug Yi slowdrop at
Tue Oct 31 04:32:38 CDT 2017


My own experience of translating GR into Korean wasn't very pleasant one mainly due to my inexperience with dealing with publishers. Hope you get your GR translation out.

> On Oct 31, 2017, at 6:24 PM, Laura Kelber <laurakelber at> wrote:
> Congratulations on your new gig!
> On Oct 31, 2017 8:46 AM, "Mike Jing" < at < at>> wrote:
> Hello Dear P-Listers,
> GR has to wait. The publisher of the Chinese translation of GR is issuing a new edition, with corrections suggested by no fewer than ten experts. It seems that the new edition isn't out yet, but judging from the samples of suggested changes they sent me, many serious errors still remain. In any case, I won't be able to have my own version published anytime soon since they have sole publishing rights in China. I'll have to either wait for it to expire or convince them of the superiority of my own translation. But they are already committed, which is understandable. 
> That's the bad news. The good news is that I have landed a gig with them to translate Don DeLillo's Zero K, which I have been working on for the past couple of months. It's fairly short, and nowhere near as difficult to translate as GR. But I do have a number of questions now that the first pass is finished. I hope it's OK for me to ask them here. There won't be too many, I promise.
> I should also mention that there is already a Chinese translation of Zero K published in Taiwan translated by a Taiwanese translator.  Of course I have not read it in order to avoid any undue influence.
> Thanks in advance for your kind help.
> Mike Jing

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