Re: AtD translation: “Well now shit, there, Nate.”

Monte Davis montedavis49 at
Sun Jan 7 09:19:09 CST 2018

That ambience Lew describes is Pynchon's lyrical Twilight Trope. Your
translation should share some ideograms with the lines Herman &
Weisenburger use to exemplify the possibility of freedom in GR: "Just for
the knife-edge, here in the Rue Rossini, there comes to Slothrop the best
feeling dusk in a foreign city can bring: just where the sky’s light
balances the electric lamplight in the street, just before the first star,
some promise of events  without cause, surprises, a direction at right
angles to every direction his life has been able to find up till now..."

And with Dally's arrival in Venice: "...something began to stir as the
vaporetto made its way from the train station down the Grand Canal, until,
just at sunset, getting to the San Marco end, and there was the pure
Venetian evening, the blue-green shadows, the lavenders, ultramarines,
siennas, and umbers of the sky and the light-bearing air she was breathing,
the astonishing momentum of
the everyday twilight, gas-lanterns coming on in the Piazzetta, San Giorgio
Maggiore across the water lit pale as angels, distant as heaven and yet
seeming only a step, as if her breath, her yearning, could reach across to
it and touch..."

On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 2:07 AM, Mike Jing < at>

> P51.37-52.8   Lew reached for a panatela and lit up. After a couple-three
> slow puffs, “Ever come out of work in this town when the light’s still in
> the sky and the lamps are just being lit along the big avenues and down by
> the Lake, and the girls are all out of the offices and shops and heading
> home, and the steak houses are cranking up for the evening trade, and the
> plate-glass windows are shining, with the rigs all lined up by the hotels,
> and—”
>        “No,” Nate staring impatiently, “not too often, I work too late for
> that.”
>        Lew blew a smoke ring, and a few more concentrically. “Well now
> shit, there, Nate.”
> What is Lew saying here exactly?
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