AtD translation: or gone out and raised hallelujah with
Jochen Stremmel
jstremmel at
Mon Jan 8 00:33:22 CST 2018
I'd say it's an euphemism for "raise hell".
2018-01-07 23:50 GMT+01:00 Mike Jing < at>:
> P53.1-9 “Yes here,” continued the Professor, nodding down at the Yards
> as they began to flow by beneath, “here’s where the Trail comes to its end
> at last, along with the American Cowboy who used to live on it and by it.
> No matter how virtuous he’s kept his name, how many evildoers he’s managed
> to get by undamaged, how he’s done by his horses, what girls he has
> chastely kissed, serenaded by guitar, or gone out and raised hallelujah
> with, it’s all back there in the traildust now and none of it matters, for
> down there you’ll find the wet convergence and finale of his drought-struck
> tale and thankless calling, Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show stood on its head
> . . .
> What does "raise hallelujah" mean here?
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