Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Thu Jan 18 02:30:51 CST 2018


Have we all simply believed, not much pointed to or written about when Lot
49 IS discussed, as all the 'deeper' meanings of the Trystero
and that corrupted text and Oedipa's quest and revelations are the focus

TRP chose the conceit of the alternative mail system with the necessary
implication that the official one, the one that allowed sealed, private,
protected--federal offense to open-- massive and speedy communication
between citizens no longer united the United States of America?

Like that?

On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 12:04 AM, Thomas Eckhardt <
thomas.eckhardt at> wrote:

> "The Chairman. We will want to know, for example, why the mail of such
> individuals and organizations in this country as the Ford Foundation,
> Harvard University, and the Rockefeller Foundation was regularly opened by
> the CIA. or why the mail coming to or from such individuals as Arthur
> Burns, Bella Abzug, Jay Rockefeller, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mrs. Martin
> Luther King, Jr., Richard Nixon himself: as well as such Senators as Hubert
> Humphrey, Edward Kennedv, even the Chairman of this committee, whose letter
> to my mother is in the file. should have been regularly opened and
> scrutinized by the CIA against the laws of the country."
> p.4/571
> "Senator Mondale: All right. What was your understanding of the legality
> of the covert mail operation?
> Mr. Angleton. That it was illegal.
> Senator Mondale: What?
> Mr. Angleton: That it was illegal."
> p. 29/596
> R000200010001-2.pdf
> "'[I]t is inconceivable that a secret intelligence arm of the government
> has to comply with all the overt orders of the government.'"
> p. 58/625
> Am 17.01.2018 um 02:17 schrieb Joseph Tracy:
>> The opportunites for abuse in these programs is enormous. You can easily
>> target international labor rights communication to open the door for spying
>> domestically on labor advocates. The same goes for human rights, animal
>> rights, environmentalists. It simply opens the door for targeted spying on
>> political dissidents or opponents . Since the FBI has a long history of
>> this kind of abuse it is not just risky but highly likely to go wrong.
> -
> Pynchon-l /
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