Not P but Roth

jae jaedaesharpe at
Sun Feb 10 18:02:29 CST 2019

oh, this is really cool. would anyone with a NYRB subscription mind copying
and pasting the whole thing -- the gass "sporting issue" article? i'm
getting paywalled when i try to read it.

On Sun, 10 Feb 2019 at 06:55, Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at> wrote:

> Didja know that, sometime after his earliest work, but starting with *The
> Breast, *and skipping some, I think,  Roth did some light revising, some
> tweaking of many-maybe most--of his maturest self--thematic irony
> intended--fiction? The slightly revised paperback editions a year later are
> the definitive editions used for the Library of America definitive
> editions. Unexpected to me, since he took such pains all the writing while.
> And I found THIS below. Roth responds to a review of *The Great American
> Novel, *his baseball novel (and one of the best long works to "read" via
> audio because it is wordplay and loose as a young athlete and you don't
> have to 'follow' any plot carefully) by William Gass*, *it seems; perhaps a
> review which treats earlier juvenilia, dunno, so to joke about*
> Portnoy *and* The
> Breast *speculatively. I really like the remark in itself and as a lifelong
> theme/insight.
> The Sporting News
> <> from the
> May 31, 1973 issue
> *To the Editors:*
> Please advise Professor Gass that I am too old to be grown up.
> Philip Roth
> New York City
> Bob Dylan: I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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