February 2019 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Feb 1 02:21:08 CST 2019
Ending: Thu Feb 28 17:47:12 CST 2019
Messages: 135
- Pynchon's Russia--US
jbloocher at gmail.com
- Pynchon's Russia--US
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon's Russia--US
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon's Russia--US
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon's Russia--US
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon's Russia--US
Thomas Eckhardt
- Pynchon's Russia--US
Thomas Eckhardt
- Pynchon's Russia--US
Thomas Eckhardt
- On the cover of V .pretty interesting and includes P hisownself.....From Tim Ware, who posted this on FB Pynchon site
Mark Kohut
- The Literature of Waste
Mark Kohut
- The Literature of Waste
Nicole Bennett
- The Literature of Waste
Jochen Stremmel
- The Literature of Waste
Laura Kelber
- The Literature of Waste
Ian Livingston
- The Literature of Waste
David Morris
- The Literature of Waste
Nicole Bennett
- The Literature of Waste
Nicole Bennett
- Life After Death on Streaming TV
David Morris
- The Literature of Waste
Jochen Stremmel
- The Literature of Waste
Ian Livingston
- a pint-size russian rastafarian rap star dead at 35
Max Nemtsov
- a pint-size russian rastafarian rap star dead at 35
Jochen Stremmel
- a pint-size russian rastafarian rap star dead at 35
Max Nemtsov
- NP really: "As above, so below". I like this prob unintentional allusion in this NYTimes column today about the decline in democracy ranking of the US.
Mark Kohut
- Sorta Pynchon relevant in a 'crazy' roundabout way. Or another Kute Kohut irrelevancy.
Mark Kohut
- Sorta Pynchon relevant in a 'crazy' roundabout way. Or another Kute Kohut irrelevancy.
Ian Livingston
- Yeah, right, climate change is unproven. We, the world, have 12 years left, they say.
Mark Thibodeau
- word of the day, Apophany
Mark Kohut
- word of the day, Apophany
Richard Ryan
- Not P - Stanley's influence on Hip Hop
Mark Thibodeau
- NP but Roth. My remark below and further below.
Mark Kohut
- Black Leopard, Red Wolf
- Black Leopard, Red Wolf
- Yeah, right, climate change is unproven. We, the world, have 12 years left, they say.
Joseph Tracy
- NP but Roth. My remark below and further below.
Mark Thibodeau
- Yeah, right, climate change is unproven. We, the world, have 12 years left, they say.
Mark Thibodeau
- Not P but Roth
Mark Kohut
- Europe in 25 films: the critics’ choice
jbloocher at gmail.com
- Not P but Roth
- Salinger
- Re: Europe in 25 films: the critics’ choice
Mark Thibodeau
- I knew nothing about this, did you? But we remember Crackerjack from AtD. (another resonance?) TRP lived in England for a time we know.
Mark Kohut
- Re: Europe in 25 films: the critics’ choice
Johnny Marr
- NOT Pynch - Milkman!
Becky Lindroos
- NOT Pynch - Milkman!
Mark Kohut
- NOT Pynch - Milkman!
Laura Kelber
- NOT Pynch - Milkman!
Toby Levy
- Re: Europe in 25 films: the critics’ choice
Heikki R
- Not Pynchon but Nietzsche on grace.--Pynchonian grace?-- & On the Bible
Mark Kohut
- Not Pynchon but Nietzsche on grace.--Pynchonian grace?-- & On the Bible
- Not Pynchon but Nietzsche on grace.--Pynchonian grace?-- & On the Bible
Mark Kohut
- Not Pynchon but Nietzsche on grace.--Pynchonian grace?-- & On the Bible
Heikki R
- Not Pynchon but Nietzsche on grace.--Pynchonian grace?-- & On the Bible
- Not Pynchon but Nietzsche on grace.--Pynchonian grace?-- & On the Bible
Ian Livingston
- Not Pynchon but Nietzsche on grace.--Pynchonian grace?-- & On the Bible
Mark Kohut
- Not Pynchon but Nietzsche on grace.--Pynchonian grace?-- & On the Bible
Thomas Eckhardt
- March Kelleher 1 Amazon 0
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mike Weaver
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
David Morris
- Word-of-the-day. I usually just feel alone.
Mark Kohut
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Jochen Stremmel
- NP except tangentially. More remarks on Anniversaries. if interested.
Mark Kohut
- NP except tangentially. More remarks on Anniversaries. if interested.
Jochen Stremmel
- NP except tangentially. More remarks on Anniversaries. if interested.
Mark Kohut
- RIP Bruno Ganz. My favorite angel.
Mark Kohut
- RIP Bruno Ganz. My favorite angel.
Mark Thibodeau
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
David Morris
- RIP Bruno Ganz. My favorite angel.
Mark Kohut
- RIP Bruno Ganz. My favorite angel.
Mark Kohut
- RIP Bruno Ganz. My favorite angel.
jbloocher at gmail.com
- RIP Bruno Ganz. My favorite angel.
Jochen Stremmel
- RIP Bruno Ganz. My favorite angel.
- RIP Bruno Ganz. My favorite angel.
Mark Thibodeau
- RIP Bruno Ganz. My favorite angel.
jbloocher at gmail.com
- Word-of-the-day. I usually just feel alone.
jbloocher at gmail.com
- Good Morning, Plisters! Welcome the new small d day, not against it.
Mark Kohut
- RIP Bruno Ganz. My favorite angel.
Mark Kohut
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Jochen Stremmel
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mike Jing
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mark Kohut
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mike Weaver
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mike Weaver
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Jochen Stremmel
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
David Morris
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mark Kohut
- PLAYLIST ADDITION Re: AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Keith McMullen
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mike Weaver
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mark Kohut
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Jochen Stremmel
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
David Morris
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mark Kohut
- High Theory and Low Seriousness
David Morris
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mark Kohut
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mark Kohut
- Just a hat tip to Joseph
Mark Kohut
- The Return of the Airship
David Morris
- The Return of the Airship
Mark Kohut
- word of the day?
Mark Kohut
- RIP Bruno Ganz. My favorite angel.
Arthur Fuller
- RIP Bruno Ganz. My favorite angel.
Jochen Stremmel
- RIP Bruno Ganz. My favorite angel.
Mark Kohut
- Murder House @ World Expo
David Morris
- Murder House @ World Expo
Mark Thibodeau
- Murder House @ World Expo
David Morris
- NP: Word of the Day
Mark Kohut
- Kute Korrespondence
Mark Kohut
- Cat Haiku
David Morris
- Cat Haiku
Mark Thibodeau
- Cat Haiku
Jochen Stremmel
- a picture of a page from GR, --which means some of you can't "read' it--full of, somehow, as with TRP, relevant sexual politics.
Mark Kohut
- Cat Haiku
Bruce Appelbaum
- a picture of a page from GR, --which means some of you can't "read' it--full of, somehow, as with TRP, relevant sexual politics.
Jochen Stremmel
- Misc. NP but Dickens and verbal exuberance and length as thematic and some say Pynchon's books are too long. Especially AtD.
Mark Kohut
- NOT PYNCHON but jazzy: Ken Nordine, Surreal Poet With a Jazz Beat, Is Dead at 98 - The New York Times
Mark Kohut
- Not Pynchon just science fiction (and more, much more) & good, author-centered publishing. And life too. Much better than the NYT obit.
Mark Kohut
- Not Pynchon just science fiction (and more, much more) & good, author-centered publishing. And life too. Much better than the NYT obit.
Richard Ryan
- Not Pynchon just science fiction (and more, much more) & good, author-centered publishing. And life too. Much better than the NYT obit.
Mike Weaver
- An otherwise good reader and critic is quoting this as by Thomas Pynchon. This EXACT quote is not in any pynchon but something close is in Inherent Vice, right? Help, Pynchon hive mind
Mark Kohut
- An otherwise good reader and critic is quoting this as by Thomas Pynchon. This EXACT quote is not in any pynchon but something close is in Inherent Vice, right? Help, Pynchon hive mind
Mark Kohut
- An otherwise good reader and critic is quoting this as by Thomas Pynchon. This EXACT quote is not in any pynchon but something close is in Inherent Vice, right? Help, Pynchon hive mind
Mark Kohut
- An otherwise good reader and critic is quoting this as by Thomas Pynchon. This EXACT quote is not in any pynchon but something close is in Inherent Vice, right? Help, Pynchon hive mind
Paul Mackin
- AtD translation: a field of bells emerged into flower
Mark Kohut
- Against the Day and William Vollmann’s Brutal Book About Climate Change
Mark Kohut
- Marijuana in History
David Morris
- Re: Against the Day and William Vollmann’s Brutal Book About Climate Change
gary webb
- "The White Plague" & Mumford and the Slothrop Paper Company
Mark Kohut
- NP: Trying to write something on Roth's Our Gang while rereading it during the Trump regime (sic)
Mark Kohut
- GET ME REWRITE! Trying to write something on Roth's Our Gang while rereading it during the Trump regime (sic)
Mark Kohut
- NP but time travel with DeLillo to 1993.
Mark Kohut
- Re: Against the Day and William Vollmann’s Brutal Book About Climate Change
Mark Kohut
- Re: Against the Day and William Vollmann’s Brutal Book About Climate Change
Gary Webb
- Re: Against the Day and William Vollmann’s Brutal Book About Climate Change
Gary Webb
Last message date:
Thu Feb 28 17:47:12 CST 2019
Archived on: Thu Feb 28 17:47:18 CST 2019
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