Kute Korrespondence

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 07:48:24 CST 2019

Remember the 91 year-old man in The Crying of Lot 49 remembering from his
youth his
grandfather, the salivating Indian killer in his youth, at around that age
(91) ? One aspect of this
inclusion seemingly to go from the present time of the book to touch
beginnings in a couple degrees of long lives.

In the intro to Page Smith's a City Upon a Hill, 1966, same year as CoL49,
he sez the book began in a series of conversations
with one John Holmes, 99,,,,,,from Mastersville, Ohio. h\His grandfather
fought in the American Revolution and
his half brother fought in the Civil War. ....

Smith points out that he at 99 had lived thru half of the nation of the US

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