a picture of a page from GR, --which means some of you can't "read' it--full of, somehow, as with TRP, relevant sexual politics.

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 06:04:16 CST 2019

This scene is seldom-quoted, probably because outside of the major

 I am reminded of what someone--was it Iris Murdoch?-- said of
Shakespeare, that his greatness is shown MOST by his minor characters--and
his language, of course. Anyone could do his plots (since 33 of them were
previously used anyway). But he changed them all for the better with his
genius as well.


Joanna Freer
2014 - ‎Preview
‎More editions
... where the reader is introduced to a small group of young German
communist revolutionaries – Leni, Rudi, Vanya, and Rebecca – crouching in a
cold, cheerless, derelict dormitory, nibbling on a crust of bread and
discussing “street tactics” ...

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