Isis funded by UK & US

Thomas Eckhardt thomas.eckhardt at
Sun May 19 08:13:46 CDT 2019

On April 7, 2018, allegedly a chemical weapons attack took place in the 
Syrian city of Douma. France, the UK and the US (as well as Germany) 
claimed that the Syrian government was responsible and on April 14 the 
"retaliated" with a missile strike on Syria. Russia had warned against 
this strike at the UN and threatened that if Russian servicemen were 
targeted, Russia would not only destroy the missiles but also the 
vessels from which they were fired. Thankfully, no Russians were harmed.

The OPCW published an interim report on the incident in July 2018, and 
its final report in March 2019.

OPCW staff members have now leaked a report on an investigation that was 
undertaken by an engineering sub-team of the Fact-Finding Mission, 
"beginning with on-site inspections in April-May 2018, followed by a 
detailed engineering analysis including collaboration on computer 
modelling studies with two European universities. The report of this 
investigation was excluded from the published Final Report of the 
Fact-Finding Mission, which referred only to assessments sought from 
unidentified 'engineering experts' commissioned in October 2018 and 
obtained in December 2018."

(It was the first time that OPCW inspectors were able to conduct an 
investigation of an alleged CW incident on site; with regard to the 
incident in Khan Sheikoun, the OPCW had already been critizised for 
violating its own guidelines by failing to establish chain of custody.)

The investigation of the engineering sub-team related to the two gas 
cylinders observed at the site. The report may be found here:

The OPCW has confirmed that the report is genuine.

The engineering report states:

"The dimensions, characteristics and appearance of the cylinders, and 
the surrounding scene of the incidents, were inconsistent with what 
would have been expected in the case of either cylinder being delivered 
from an aircraft. In each case the alternative hypothesis produced the 
only plausible explanation for observations at the scene."

The Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media comments:

"The conclusion of the Engineering Assessment is unequivocal: the 
alternative hypothesis that the cylinders were manually placed in 
position is 'the only plausible explanation for observations at the scene'."

And puts the leaked document in context:

"Our last Briefing Note listed two other key findings:

It is no longer seriously disputed that the hospital scene was staged: 
there are multiple eyewitness reports supported by video evidence.
The case fatality rate of 100%, with no attempt by the victims to 
escape, is unlike any recorded chlorine attack.

Taken together, these findings establish beyond reasonable doubt that 
the alleged chemical attack in Douma on 7 April 2018 was staged."

It seems that the OPCW has suppressed the findings of their own 
Fact-Finding Mission because these findings would have contradicted its 
public conclusions and undermined the narrative propagated by the 
Governments of the United States, United Kingdom and France, as well as 
the entirety of the Western mainstream media.

Am 17.05.2019 18:38, schrieb Joseph Tracy:
> This is an opinion piece in the Guardian but entirely based on documentary evidence and ongoing legal actions in the so called war on terror.
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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