May 2019 Archives by thread
Starting: Wed May 1 08:06:56 CDT 2019
Ending: Fri May 31 20:44:50 CDT 2019
Messages: 123
- Anniversaries still.
Mark Kohut
- NP - Barr is Toast
David Morris
- Young's Debs wow, due diligence on _Anniversaries_
peterthooper at
- Things and stuff
peterthooper at
- Not Pynchon but words of the day
Mark Kohut
- GR. I don't think I'd seen this cover before. You? (beware: a twitter post)
Mark Kohut
Mark Kohut
- Very Pynchon: May 8, 2019
Mark Kohut
- Re that Pelosi headline w "center'' quote - from the NYT-- going round. Here are her EXACT WORDS. And Anniversaries.
Mark Kohut
- New site on Inherent Vice
- My birthday postcard to Thomas this year
Mark Kohut
- A tweet, therefore judge one's interest, about a BLEEDING EDGE allusion. A short video
Mark Kohut
- Happy Birthday, Mr Pynchon!
Christian Hänggi
- AtD translation: a white horse borne against the sky
Mike Jing
- Tangentially Pynchon: "it's about work"--Alice Wellintown
Mark Kohut
- J. R. R. Tolkien: "Insufficiently Serious" " 'escapist fare' "
ish mailian
- Not P but word of the day:
Mark Kohut
- Another nuance in the US postal system just around the time the Trystero appeared in a book.
Mark Kohut
- Today in the Zone: Eisheiligen
- Not Pynchon just a word he might like
Mark Kohut
- (np) Engaging with the grammar in Marguerite Young's Debs bio
peterthooper at
- (np) Engaging with the grammar in Marguerite Young's Debs bio: the mis takenly interpolated period
peterthooper at
- Perhaps a little Pynchonism?...(Wasn't he supposed to know some Chesterton Thru Kirkpatrick?)
Mark Kohut
- Isis funded by UK & US
Joseph Tracy
- Time, Money, Shit, The Word, Inherent Vice, and...Vitamin B12?
- Sex, and the not so single P-girl...
- NP - Now Greenvalt is poo-pooing the threat of white supremacy
David Morris
- Isis funded by UK & US - the fog of war
peterthooper at
- AtD: The Modern World System & John Leonard
Mark Kohut
- Topsy Turvey World
David Morris
- AtD translation: leaves em spoiled for anything but the one breed of ghost-light
Mike Jing
- Against the Day
Mark Kohut
- panels for Pynchon Week. A FB picture so not visible to all.
Mark Kohut
- A twitter joke about Against the Day
Mark Kohut
- Moby Says CIA Agents Asked Him to Spread the Word About Trump and Russia | Pitchfork
Mark Kohut
- Why did Putin want Trump?
- Anyone see these movies?
Mark Kohut
- NP - Phillip Roth's "Indignation"
David Morris
- Against the Day. Eternal Republicanism.
Mark Kohut
- Neologism in Against the Day?
Mark Kohut
- WARNING, A remark known as a tweet. On Keanu.
Mark Kohut
- RIP Bob Bernstein, Random House, founder of Human Rights Watch.
Mark Kohut
- Largely np - Nick Harkaway, fog of war, ponderous pondering
peterthooper at
- Origin story, so to speak slantedly, of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism?
Mark Kohut
- Corrigenda
peterthooper at
- From Tim S's FB feed (I had to share it)
David Morris
- Seeking a Panglossian view of Syrian banking reforms
peterthooper at
- Porton Down
peterthooper at
- P-crit muthalode
peterthooper at
- How Legalization Changed Humboldt County Marijuana
David Morris
- NOT P. a tweet that is a new cover of an older DeLillo. Kinda minimalist but explosively cool. (about any lighted fuse now reminds me of Webb T., lol)
Mark Kohut
- AtD @ pp150 on
Mark Kohut
- Douglas Kløvedal Lannark
Clément Lévy
- RIP Roky Erickson.
Mark Kohut
Last message date:
Fri May 31 20:44:50 CDT 2019
Archived on: Fri May 31 20:45:07 CDT 2019
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