Isis funded by UK & US

Mark Thibodeau jerkyleboeuf at
Mon May 20 03:05:08 CDT 2019

Here's an interesting take on some recent social media activity
surrounding the AZOV Battalion.

Compared to the REAL power-wielding New Fascist International (and
just for the record, I am well aware of the Strategy of Tension, as
well as the Underground Reich, the sordid history of street level
neo-Nazi movements, rat-lines, stay-behinds and all that other good
stuff, be it in North America, South America, Eastern Europe or
elsewhere around the world), AZOV is more of an unavoidable
side-effect of Russia's ongoing lebensraum policies than it is an
organization with any decision-making or string-pulling power

Basically, if, say, China tried to invade the Pacific Northwest, and a
small part of the street level armed resistance to that
invasion/policy was made up of ad hoc groups that had some unsavory
Far Right views, would you feel comfortable coloring the ENTIRE
resistance as Fascist? It's an idiotic proposition that has been
spread with awesome success by the Kremlin/RT/Hard Left "America can
do no right" disinformation axis.


On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 3:30 AM Thomas Eckhardt
<thomas.eckhardt at> wrote:
> I am not sure in which way this is supposed to be a response to what I
> wrote. I certainly don't see any factual arguments, only strawmen and empty
> claims without supporting evidence.
> With regard to the Fascist International:
> The best take on the old Fascist International is in Jeffrey M. Bales "The
> Darkest Side of Politics", Vol. I., an update of his seminal study "The
> 'Black' Terrorist International: Neo-fascist Paramilitary Networks and the
> Strategy of Tension in Italy, 1968-1974".
> As for the new Fascist International: I didn't know that there was a strong
> neo-Nazi movement (mainly the Aryan Brotherhood, if I am not mistaken) in
> Southern California until I read BE. Some of these Californian neo-Nazis
> recently travelled to Ukraine where they were trained by the neo-Nazi Azov
> Bataillon (the military outfit sporting the Wolfsangel of the SS), which in
> turn receives weapons and training from, amongst others, the US:
> "Last month, an unsealed FBI indictment of four American white supremacists
> from the Rise Above Movement (RAM) declared that the defendants had trained
> with Ukraine’s Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi militia officially incorporated
> into the country’s national guard. The training took place after the white
> supremacist gang participated in violent riots in Huntington Beach and
> Berkeley, California and Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017."
> See also:
> What you are talking about is a different section of Fascist International
> which is much more sympathetic to Russia, e.g. the Rassemblement National or
> the AfD or Trump/Bannon. While I cannot help but note that there is a
> difference between right-wing populists, many of them proto-fascists and
> some of them fascists, and armed neo-Nazis regularly committing war crimes
> (e.g. the Aidar Bataillon) in Eastern Ukraine, I despise them both.

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