NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.

Jochen Stremmel jstremmel at
Tue Apr 7 10:12:23 UTC 2020

as far as I see (which is not very far as I readily concede but farther
(further?) as some) there's only one aspect to the Chomsky quote that might
prove him wrong: that this catastrophe will lead to another, less profit
oriented health care system, because it (the catastrophe) shows the
injustice of it especially in the civilized nations as your and Noam's and
my and Thomas's countries. Beware of the dead on our streets.

Am Di., 7. Apr. 2020 um 11:45 Uhr schrieb Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at>:

> Before I even read the piece, which I will, that quote is simply not the
> case.
> 1) market signals in general, overall, have shown CLEARLY that the ending
> and prevention of catastrophe, deaths and
> ruination are good things even coldly economically.
> 2) Eliz Warren in her interview with Ezra Klein tells us of a new white
> paper proving the
> worst case FOR THE ECONOMY is NOT stopping it wholesale.
> I see that this is particularly about the ventilator shortage so........but
> yes, massive cruelty reigns
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 5:35 AM Thomas Eckhardt <
> thomas.eckhardt at>
> wrote:
> > "Market signals were clear: There’s no profit in preventing a future
> > catastrophe. "
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Pynchon-L:
> >
> --
> Pynchon-L:

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