April 2020 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Apr 1 07:26:13 UTC 2020
Ending: Thu Apr 30 16:36:17 UTC 2020
Messages: 368
- Mishima (Re: Nora Bossong recommends Mason & Dixon as Corona reading because it has so many pages ...)
Charles Albert
- wow. Pynchon's lawyer steps up. No, I don't have full access nor will get it for this.
Charles Albert
- NP: propers
Charles Albert
- NP: So much more than Ain't No Sunshine
Charles Albert
- RIP Brian Dennehy
Charles Albert
- P/NP....It's all relative....
Charles Albert
- Col 49, M&D and current events
Charles Albert
- Nora Bossong recommends Mason & Dixon as Corona reading because it has so many pages ...
John Bailey
- Mishima (Re: Nora Bossong recommends Mason & Dixon as Corona reading because it has so many pages ...)
John Bailey
- Re: Zoyd’s progress
John Bailey
- LISS/STEVPR first roundup daily digest vol 27, issue 15
Michael Bailey
- 2nd roundup vol 27, issue 16
Michael Bailey
- 3rd roundup, Pynchon-l Digest, Vol 27, Issue 17
Michael Bailey
- Liss/stepvr 4th roundup - 27/18 April (the cruelest month?) 16th
Michael Bailey
- LISS/STEPVR 5th roundup 27/19 Aprl 17th
Michael Bailey
- LISS/STEPVR 6th roundup (27/20) 4/19/20
Michael Bailey
- LISS/STEPVR (27,21) April 20 7th roundup
Michael Bailey
- LISS/STEPVR (27,22) April 21, 8th roundup
Michael Bailey
- LISS/STEPVR 9th roundup 27/23 April 21
Michael Bailey
- LISS/STPEVR Zoyd in the morning
Michael Bailey
- LISS/STEPVR vehicle census (3rd part) def not exhaustive / sentence fun
Michael Bailey
- LISS/STEPVR Mister Grammar person says right on
Michael Bailey
- LISS/STEPVR Vehicle census (4) from p297
Michael Bailey
- Bally-na-lee (np)
Michael Bailey
- LISS/STEPVR Vehicle survey (5) p333-
Michael Bailey
- LISS/STEPVR Vehicle survey (375 to end)
Michael Bailey
Michael Bailey
- Fwd: NOT P but movies. Prolly too mainstream for Plisters but some good movies herein anyway. Ppl
Allan Balliett
- NP: propers
Erik T. Burns
- NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.
Erik T. Burns
- A John Prine Moment
Erik T. Burns
- NOT P but movies. Prolly too mainstream for Plisters but some good movies herein anyway.
Erik T. Burns
- LISS/STEPVR political overtones
Erik T. Burns
- Three men walked into a bar
Erik T. Burns
- Nora Bossong recommends Mason & Dixon as Corona reading because it has so many pages ...
Keith Davis
- Mishima (Re: Nora Bossong recommends Mason & Dixon as Corona reading because it has so many pages ...)
Keith Davis
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
Keith Davis
- NP- Music and Taiji
Keith Davis
- Re: Zoyd’s progress
Keith Davis
- NP-Shameless Self Promotion Department
Keith Davis
- one of the
Keith Davis
- NP-Shameless Self Promotion Department
Keith Davis
- NP-Shameless Self Promotion Department
Keith Davis
- NP-Shameless Self Promotion Department
Keith Davis
- Liss/stepvr 4th roundup - 27/18 April (the cruelest month?) 16th
Keith Davis
- LRB on Rubem Fonseca
Keith Davis
- NP nor Pandemic. We can all talk about this new song and why Bob released it now?
Thomas Eckhardt
- Explicating Dylan.
Thomas Eckhardt
- Explicating Dylan.
Thomas Eckhardt
- No subject
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.
Thomas Eckhardt
- Lisstpvr (378) brief unannotated list of topics so far
Thomas Eckhardt
- Lisstpvr (378) brief unannotated list of topics so far
Thomas Eckhardt
- Liss/stepvr but also Molly Hite
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP: Re: LISS/STEPVR where’s my jumper
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
Thomas Eckhardt
- NP: Re: A John Prine Moment
Thomas Eckhardt
- Carrier pigeons / Was: Re: NP: Re: more new Dylan
Thomas Eckhardt
- Journey Into the Mind of the South Bronx
Thomas Eckhardt
- GR as German radio play
Thomas Groh
- Slightly P-related
Laura Kelber
- NP nor Pandemic. We can all talk about this new song and why Bob released it now?
Mark Kohut
- Nora Bossong recommends Mason & Dixon as Corona reading because it has so many pages ...
Mark Kohut
- Nora Bossong recommends Mason & Dixon as Corona reading because it has so many pages ...
Mark Kohut
- NP just Thucydides
Mark Kohut
- Mishima (Re: Nora Bossong recommends Mason & Dixon as Corona reading because it has so many pages ...)
Mark Kohut
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
Mark Kohut
- Slightly P-related
Mark Kohut
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
Mark Kohut
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
Mark Kohut
- Explicating Dylan.
Mark Kohut
- Mishima (Re: Nora Bossong recommends Mason & Dixon as Corona reading because it has so many pages ...)
Mark Kohut
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
Mark Kohut
- No subject
Mark Kohut
- Explicating Dylan.
Mark Kohut
- No subject
Mark Kohut
- wow. Pynchon's lawyer steps up. No, I don't have full access nor will get it for this.
Mark Kohut
- No subject
Mark Kohut
- blood on his hands, blood everywhere
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Bob Dylan’s 17-minute song is a work of epic genius – The Forward
Mark Kohut
- Not P just Dylan's latest by indirection
Mark Kohut
- NP but word of the day from word saver Macfarlane.
Mark Kohut
- Not P. But smart observant Love in the Time of Corona writing. New writer to me. Portuguese.
Mark Kohut
- Not P just Dylan's latest by indirection
Mark Kohut
- Not P just Dylan's latest by indirection
Mark Kohut
- Not Pynchon. Wordsworth, whose Prelude TRP may have read.
Mark Kohut
- NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.
Mark Kohut
- NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.
Mark Kohut
- NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.
Mark Kohut
- NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.
Mark Kohut
- Not even close to Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- Systems novels, DeLillo, Wallace, Pynchon and Tracy O'Neill
Mark Kohut
- Tweet by Open Culture on Twitter
Mark Kohut
- " continuous"......
Mark Kohut
- Re: Zoyd’s progress
Mark Kohut
- Re: Zoyd’s progress
Mark Kohut
- Re: Zoyd’s progress
Mark Kohut
- The PO is in trouble again. This, from 2013, is part of the meaning of The Crying of Lot 49, imho. When the US started losing its unitedness.
Mark Kohut
- The PO is in trouble again. This, from 2013, is part of the meaning of The Crying of Lot 49, imho. When the US started losing its unitedness.
Mark Kohut
- The PO is in trouble again. This, from 2013, is part of the meaning of The Crying of Lot 49, imho. When the US started losing its unitedness.
Mark Kohut
- Not Pynchon and I know nothing more but free.
Mark Kohut
- Lisstpvr (378) brief unannotated list of topics so far
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Not P but another great novelist arguably.
Mark Kohut
- Goodwill and better friendships
Mark Kohut
- one of the
Mark Kohut
- one of the
Mark Kohut
- one of the
Mark Kohut
- one of the
Mark Kohut
- one of the
Mark Kohut
- NP-Shameless Self Promotion Department
Mark Kohut
- free book from Verso
Mark Kohut
- NP: Another free book...this one on Publishing and Related.
Mark Kohut
- NP: On "marking time" in The Plague
Mark Kohut
- Liss/stepvr 4th roundup - 27/18 April (the cruelest month?) 16th
Mark Kohut
- Naufrage (np)
Mark Kohut
- NP: On "marking time" in The Plague
Mark Kohut
- This IS a wonderful, delightful, prose crackling with life observed and lived novel and it is FREE now. I have to reread it, it has been so long.
Mark Kohut
- RIP Brian Dennehy
Mark Kohut
- Liss/stepvr 4th roundup - 27/18 April (the cruelest month?) 16th
Mark Kohut
- RIP Brian Dennehy
Mark Kohut
- Liss/stepvr but also Molly Hite
Mark Kohut
- Phrase of the day. BACK IN THE PULSE. From Fiona Apple. words outside the quotes are from a review of her new album.
Mark Kohut
- LISS/STEPVR defenestration
Mark Kohut
- LISS/STEPVR defenestration
Mark Kohut
- Phrase of the day. BACK IN THE PULSE. From Fiona Apple. words outside the quotes are from a review of her new album.
Mark Kohut
- NOT P but movies. Prolly too mainstream for Plisters but some good movies herein anyway.
Mark Kohut
- NP but Apple. The second music masterpiece of the Age of the Coronavirus?
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: NOT P but movies. Prolly too mainstream for Plisters but some good movies herein anyway.
Mark Kohut
- NYTimes.com: Film Treasures, Streaming Courtesy of the Library of Congress
Mark Kohut
- VERY P. Max W
Mark Kohut
- NP Anyone know anything through reading experience of this guy?
Mark Kohut
- NP but Apple. The second music masterpiece of the Age of the Coronavirus?
Mark Kohut
- Vineleand: LISS/STEVPR
Mark Kohut
- Liss/stepvr but also Molly Hite
Mark Kohut
- Liss/stepvr but also Molly Hite
Mark Kohut
- Tweet by New York Times Opinion on Twitter
Mark Kohut
- Tweet by Absolutely Preserves on Twitter
Mark Kohut
- LISS/STEPVR 3 conversations
Mark Kohut
- NP: Know nothing but free.
Mark Kohut
- LISS/STEPVR 3 conversations
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon's favorite drink, probably because capitalism. Discuss.
Mark Kohut
- NP. Nabokov on Russian writers. Tolstoy. Happy Anniversary of Nabokov's birth.
Mark Kohut
- NP but Nabokov
Mark Kohut
- NP but Nabokov
Mark Kohut
- Three men walked into a bar
Mark Kohut
- Three men walked into a bar
Mark Kohut
- Not P but from a deserving Nobelist, Pamuk. From a good piece in today's NYT.
Mark Kohut
- Not P but P's Watts is herein.
Mark Kohut
- Not P: Read the Entire Archive of The Believer for Free
Mark Kohut
- LISS/STPEVR Zoyd in the morning
Mark Kohut
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
Mark Kohut
- Carrier pigeons / Was: Re: NP: Re: more new Dylan
Mark Kohut
- Not even close to Pynchon; BUT is Harold Bloom. Misc.
Mark Kohut
- Not Pynchon but all about Me--and my Impoverished Unconscious. And Dan Simmons.
Mark Kohut
- from Pynchon scholar (and more) Martin Eve. In which GR is name-checked as is reading.
Mark Kohut
- NP but word of the day. Cloud
Mark Kohut
- OED only $90 before coronavirus is in it. Or Covid-19.
Mark Kohut
- imposing cover of GR if you can open it.
Mark Kohut
- yes, P-related. Mag in which elites name some best they've read, there is this on the Bureaucracy of Death. Imagine researching it, but P was there first-- after Arendt.
Mark Kohut
- Another infamous Plist bar joke
Mark Kohut
- It was 23 years ago today....Mason & Dixon came out to play.
Mark Kohut
- Hack/Spam alert
Krafft, John M.
- Just a reminder
Krafft, John M.
- _Pynchon's Sound of Music_
Krafft, John M.
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
Toby Levy
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
Becky Lindroos
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
Becky Lindroos
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
Becky Lindroos
- NP but Covid-19, sorta...
Becky Lindroos
- NP but Covid-19, sorta...
Becky Lindroos
- Not even close to Pynchon
Ian Livingston
- " continuous"......
Ian Livingston
- Re: Zoyd’s progress
Ian Livingston
- Re: Zoyd’s progress
Ian Livingston
- Mishima (Re: Nora Bossong recommends Mason & Dixon as Corona reading because it has so many pages ...)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- The reigning champion (Re: Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- GR radio play review
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Nora Bossong recommends Mason & Dixon as Corona reading because it has so many pages ...
Johnny Marr
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
Johnny Marr
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
Johnny Marr
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
Johnny Marr
- GR as German radio play
Johnny Marr
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
Johnny Marr
- Not Pynchon. Wordsworth, whose Prelude TRP may have read.
Johnny Marr
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
Johnny Marr
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
Johnny Marr
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
Johnny Marr
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
Jamie McKittrick
- Can we Hack the Overton Window? (couple of P references)
Jamie McKittrick
- Re: That autumn ‘98 Vineland read musta been dope
- A John Prine Moment
Jesse Montgomery
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
David Morris
- Tweet by Open Culture on Twitter
David Morris
- Fwd: Sweet Quarantine
David Morris
- A John Prine Moment
David Morris
- Lisstpvr (378) brief unannotated list of topics so far
David Morris
- NP - Amazon's Tales From the Loop
David Morris
- Liss/stepvr 4th roundup - 27/18 April (the cruelest month?) 16th
David Morris
- Liss/stepvr 4th roundup - 27/18 April (the cruelest month?) 16th
David Morris
- P/NP....It's all relative....
David Morris
- From Orwell to Pink Floyd: Animals & A Fig's Tale VL p.3
David Morris
- NP but Nabokov
David Morris
- NP but Nabokov
David Morris
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
David Morris
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
David Morris
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
David Morris
- LISS/STEPVR Zoyd as athlete, Zoyd as Bottom
David Morris
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
David Morris
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
David Morris
David Morris
- Not even close to Pynchon
Richard Romeo
Richard Romeo
- NP but Apple. The second music masterpiece of the Age of the Coronavirus?
Richard Ryan
- U(np)acking “Patsy” reference
Raphael Saltwood
- (np) possible subtext for “Murder Most Foul”
Raphael Saltwood
- Murder Most Foul (np)
Raphael Saltwood
- Zoyd’s progress
Raphael Saltwood
- group read idea - "this piece of paper...
Raphael Saltwood
- topics too big, smaller topics
Raphael Saltwood
- better yet
Raphael Saltwood
- that should be LISSTPVR
Raphael Saltwood
- LISSTPVR rather
Raphael Saltwood
- that should be LISSTPVR
Raphael Saltwood
- Lisstpvr 180 words reactions of friends /more topics
Raphael Saltwood
- Lisstpvr (378) brief unannotated list of topics so far
Raphael Saltwood
- Goodwill and better friendships
Raphael Saltwood
- LISS/STEPVR well this is good indeed
Raphael Saltwood
- LISS/STEPVR defenestration
Raphael Saltwood
- LISS/STEPVR the vaguest
Raphael Saltwood
- LISS/STEPVR "brief" Vehicle census, partial
Raphael Saltwood
- LISS/STEPVR do you like VL
Raphael Saltwood
- LISS/STEPVR political overtones
Raphael Saltwood
- LISS/STEPVR partial vehicle census 2
Raphael Saltwood
- LISS/STEPVR 3 conversations
Raphael Saltwood
- LISS/STEPVR 3 conversations
Raphael Saltwood
- German radio play GR
Samir Sellami
- Nora Bossong recommends Mason & Dixon as Corona reading because it has so many pages ...
Jochen Stremmel
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
Jochen Stremmel
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
Jochen Stremmel
- Not P just Dylan's latest by indirection
Jochen Stremmel
- NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.
Jochen Stremmel
- NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.
Jochen Stremmel
- one of the
Jochen Stremmel
- one of the
Jochen Stremmel
- one of the
Jochen Stremmel
- one of the
Jochen Stremmel
- one of the
Jochen Stremmel
- NP-Shameless Self Promotion Department
Jochen Stremmel
- Naufrage (np)
Jochen Stremmel
- NP: On "marking time" in The Plague
Jochen Stremmel
- Phrase of the day. BACK IN THE PULSE. From Fiona Apple. words outside the quotes are from a review of her new album.
Jochen Stremmel
- LISS/STEPVR defenestration
Jochen Stremmel
- LISS/STEPVR 9th roundup 27/23 April 21
Jochen Stremmel
- Not even close to Pynchon; BUT is Harold Bloom. Misc.
Jochen Stremmel
- Not even close to Pynchon; BUT is Harold Bloom. Misc.
Jochen Stremmel
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
Jochen Stremmel
- Goodwill and better friendships
Smoke Teff
- The White Visitation and the Plague
Smoke Teff
- Dear Pynchon People. Watch DEVS on Hulu.
Mark Thibodeau
- NP but Covid-19, sorta...
Mark Thibodeau
- Re: Zoyd’s progress
Mark Thibodeau
- Re: Zoyd’s progress
Mark Thibodeau
- group read idea - "this piece of paper...
Mark Thibodeau
- NP-Shameless Self Promotion Department
Mark Thibodeau
- Goodwill and better friendships
Mark Thibodeau
- RIP Brian Dennehy
Mark Thibodeau
- free book from Verso
Mark Thibodeau
- NOT P but movies. Prolly too mainstream for Plisters but some good movies herein anyway. Ppl
Mark Thibodeau
- Not P: Read the Entire Archive of The Believer for Free
Mark Thibodeau
- Not even close to Pynchon; BUT is Harold Bloom. Misc.
Mark Thibodeau
- Another infamous Plist bar joke
Mark Thibodeau
- NOT P but movies. Prolly too mainstream for Plisters but some good movies herein anyway.
Carlo Trimarchi
- The gist of reading (P is mentioned)
Carlo Trimarchi
Gary Webb
- _Pynchon's Sound of Music_
Tyler Wilson
- Our Times
jbloocher at gmail.com
- German radio play GR
jbloocher at gmail.com
- T.V. Crazy
- group read idea - "this piece of paper...
peterthooper at juno.com
- (np) epizootic article
peterthooper at juno.com
- Naufrage (np)
peterthooper at juno.com
- That autumn â98 Vineland read musta been dope
peterthooper at juno.com
- Liss/stepvr but also Molly Hite
peterthooper at juno.com
- Liss/stepvr but also Molly Hite
peterthooper at juno.com
- LISS/STEPVR now, that 2003-4 Vlvl2, in which so many people left off t he 2
peterthooper at juno.com
- LISS/STEVPR Thomas Pynchon, Sex, and Gender next VL-related article
peterthooper at juno.com
- Liss/stepvr but also Molly Hite
peterthooper at juno.com
- LISS/STEPVR next VL reference in _Pynchon, Sex, and Gender_
peterthooper at juno.com
- V&B -> D&G?
peterthooper at juno.com
- Sepulveda dies of Covif-19
peterthooper at juno.com
- LISS/STEPVR whereâs my jumper
peterthooper at juno.com
- LISS/STEPVR 10th roundup 27/24 4/21/2020
peterthooper at juno.com
- LISS/STEPVR whereâs my jumper
peterthooper at juno.com
- LISS/STEPVR Zoyd as athlete, Zoyd as Bottom
peterthooper at juno.com
- LISS/STEPVR Zoyd as athlete, Zoyd as Bottom
peterthooper at juno.com
- LISS/STEPVR 11th daily collation (digest 27/25)
peterthooper at juno.com
- LISS/STEPVR 12th collation (digest 27/26 4/24/2020)
peterthooper at juno.com
- LISS/STEPVR more page 3 // ish quote
peterthooper at juno.com
- LISS/STEPVR (digest 27/27, 4/25) Lucky 13
peterthooper at juno.com
- NP nor Pandemic. We can all talk about this new song and why Bob released it now?
ish mailian
- Re: Bob Dylan’s 17-minute song is a work of epic genius – The Forward
ish mailian
- Not P just Dylan's latest by indirection
ish mailian
- Not P just Dylan's latest by indirection
ish mailian
- Not P just Dylan's latest by indirection
ish mailian
- Good Grief: Laughing at Death
ish mailian
- NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.
ish mailian
- NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.
ish mailian
- NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.
ish mailian
- King Dollar: Empire, 20 Years On
ish mailian
- King Dollar: Empire, 20 Years On
ish mailian
- King Dollar: Empire, 20 Years On
ish mailian
- King Dollar: Empire, 20 Years On
ish mailian
- NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.
ish mailian
- NP: Noam Chomsky on Corona, Neoliberalism, Trump etc.
ish mailian
- Not even close to Pynchon
ish mailian
- Not even close to Pynchon
ish mailian
- Not even close to Pynchon
ish mailian
- Sepulveda dies of Covif-19
ish mailian
- Sepulveda dies of Covif-19
ish mailian
- Liss/stepvr but also Molly Hite
ish mailian
- From Orwell to Pink Floyd: Animals & A Fig's Tale VL p.3
ish mailian
- From Orwell to Pink Floyd: Animals & A Fig's Tale VL p.3
ish mailian
- From Orwell to Pink Floyd: Animals & A Fig's Tale VL p.3
ish mailian
- From Orwell to Pink Floyd: Animals & A Fig's Tale VL p.3
ish mailian
- From Orwell to Pink Floyd: Animals & A Fig's Tale VL p.3
ish mailian
- From Orwell to Pink Floyd: Animals & A Fig's Tale VL p.3
ish mailian
- From Orwell to Pink Floyd: Animals & A Fig's Tale VL p.3
ish mailian
- From Orwell to Pink Floyd: Animals & A Fig's Tale VL p.3
ish mailian
- VL page three sentence one revisited
ish mailian
- more new Dylan
ish mailian
- Sepulveda dies of Covif-19
ish mailian
- The Jazz Bubble:
ish mailian
- LISS/STPEVR Zoyd in the morning
ish mailian
- LISS/STPEVR Zoyd in the morning
ish mailian
- LRB on Rubem Fonseca
ish mailian
- Re: LISS/STEPVR where’s my jumper
ish mailian
- Re: LISS/STEPVR where’s my jumper
ish mailian
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
ish mailian
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
ish mailian
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
ish mailian
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
ish mailian
- Not even close to Pynchon; BUT is Harold Bloom. Misc.
ish mailian
- Zoyd's Hustle & Productivity during Lockdown
ish mailian
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
ish mailian
- Radio Play Pynchon: He Do the Police in Different Voices
ish mailian
- NP: Re: more new Dylan
ish mailian
- LISS/STEPVR (digest 27/27, 4/25) Lucky 13
ish mailian
- Journey Into the Mind of the South Bronx
ish mailian
- Journey Into the Mind of the South Bronx
ish mailian
- Journey Into the Mind of the South Bronx
ish mailian
- Journey Into the Mind of the South Bronx
ish mailian
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
- Our Times
- Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel
- Re: (np) possible subtext for “Murder Most Foul”
- The reigning champion (Re: Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel)
- The reigning champion (Re: Gerald Howard on Delillo's Nobel)
- NP: propers
- yes, P-related. Mag in which elites name some best they've read, there is this on the Bureaucracy of Death. Imagine researching it, but P was there first-- after Arendt.
- Journey Into the Mind of the South Bronx
- Not even close to Pynchon; BUT is Harold Bloom. Misc.
bulb at vheissu.net
- Not even close to Pynchon; BUT is Harold Bloom. Misc.
bulb at vheissu.net
- Not P just Dylan's latest by indirection
gary webb
- LISS/STEPVR 11th daily collation (digest 27/25)
gary webb
gary webb
- Journey Into the Mind of the South Bronx
gary webb
Last message date:
Thu Apr 30 16:36:17 UTC 2020
Archived on: Thu Apr 30 16:36:20 UTC 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).