3rd roundup, Pynchon-l Digest, Vol 27, Issue 17
Michael Bailey
michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Thu Apr 16 05:25:20 UTC 2020
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 23:09:54 +0200
From: Thomas Eckhardt <thomas.eckhardt at uni-bonn.de>
I recommend "The President's Emergency War Powers and the Erosion of
Civil Liberties in Pynchon's /Vineland/" by David Thoreen, which is
still available here:
Many thanks once again to John M. Krafft for pointing me to this essay.
Here is some more background:
See also Christopher Ketcham, "The Last Roundup", which is still
available here:
....(...one of my favourite passages in all of Pynchon,
the final paragraph of the chapter on pages 266 and 267.)
- You mean this one?
"So the bad Ninjamobile swept along on the great Ventura, among Olympic
visitors from everywhere who teemed all over the freeway system in midday
densities till far into the night, shined-up, screaming black motorcades
that could have carried any of several office seekers, cruisers heading for
treed and more gently boulevards, huge double and triple trailer rigs that
loved to find Volkswagens laboring up grades and go sashaying around them
gracefully and at gnat's-ass tolerances, plus flirters, deserters, wimps
and pimps, speeding like bullets, grinning like chimps, above the heads of
TV watchers, lovers under the overpasses, movies at malls letting out,
bright gas-station oases in pure fluorescent spill, canopied beneath the
palm trees, soon wrapped, down the corridors of the surface streets, in
nocturnal smog, the adobe air, the smell of distant fireworks, the spilled,
the broken world."
- Thanks, Thomas, for these pertinent links!
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 04:25:17 +0000
From: Raphael Saltwood <PlainMrBotanyB at outlook.com>
Why do I want to do something different?
- a) these are unusual times
b) less ergodic, I think you put it, which remains to be seen, but what I
see in this is the opportunity for more people at a time to be posting,
which would be so great.
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2020 02:54:39 -0400
From: Mark Kohut <mark.kohut at gmail.com>
Mr. Smallwood, (can I call you Raphael?)---
You have won me over and let's do it. All, jump in and line up.
- I guess I also'd better post a topic. Can't think of one right now.
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