Pynchon and Dostoevsky

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Tue Jan 21 10:00:35 UTC 2020

As I start rereading that great, great NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND---
the later Dostoevsky says he went too far but who caresmthings change---I
read the
introduction [which I should not have done; why do many publishers not know
the difference
between an introduction and an afterword?. Introductions should NOT be a
critical reading gloss
on the work; they should be an introduction to the fact of the work]
 and learn---relearn, did I know before?---that the famous Crystal Palace
of the exhibition is a key
extended metaphor in the work. The same crystal palace collapsing in the
opening of GR, of course.

Thanks for pre-chewing translator Matlaw, even though I should have
remembered that.

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