BE-related: WTC 7
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
lorentzen at
Sat Jun 6 10:23:34 UTC 2020
Am 26.05.20 um 19:48 schrieb David Morris:
> I've said it before: Controlled demolition (implosion) requires
> explosives at columns that can't be hidden in an occupied building,
> and they can't be installed overnight. That conspiracy is just BS.
Jeffrey Scott Shapiro:
+ ... Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and
Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property
developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his
insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled
demolition of the building – since its foundation was already unstable
and expected to fall.
A controlled demolition would have minimized the damage caused by the
building’s imminent collapse and potentially save lives. Many law
enforcement personnel, firefighters and other journalists were aware of
this possible option ... +
"The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the
collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11 ... "
Betreff: Re: "Strange shift to be working," it seems to Maxine ...
Datum: Tue, 11 Sep 2018 06:55:15 +0000
Von: Kai Frederik Lorentzen <lorentzen at>
An: pynchon -l <pynchon-l at>, ish mailian
<ishmailian at>, jody2.718 <jody2.718 at>
Terrible Tuesday revisited --
"Als ein Kollege vor wenigen Jahren den gefeierten amerikanischen
Enthüllungsjournalisten Seymour Hersh unter vier Augen fragte, was der
über 9/11 denke, bekam er zur Antwort, dass natürlich sehr viele Fragen
offen seien und die offizielle Erklärung kaum stimmen könne. Auf die
Nachfrage, warum er denn nichts dazu schreiben würde, antwortete Hersh
nur: 'Die Sache ist zu groß.'"
(Paul Schreyer: Faktencheck 9/11, pp. 83-84)
+ ... Regardless of who had foreknowledge or what the imminent danger
was, over the next few weeks and months there were heroic efforts made
to rescue survivors. But those efforts were hampered by Giuliani’s drive
to clean up the site rapidly. The commonly held story is that the
government wanted to re-open Wall Street, and for that reason didn’t
care about the health of New Yorkers and first responders or about
facilitating the most careful rescue operations. However, the facts also
align with the hypothesis that authorities were in a hurry to remove
evidence that pointed to the use of explosives ... During the five-month
cleanup effort, there were unprecedented measures taken to control
access to the site. The site was restricted, and photographs were
banned, by order of Rudy Giuliani. Anthony Mann of E.J. Electric, one of
the primary security companies for the WTC towers, said that, “Security
is unbelievable. It’s really on a need-to-be-down-there basis.” ... The
City hired five construction companies to handle the cleanup and the
site was divided up among them. The five companies were AMEC
Construction Management, Bovis Lend Lease, Turner Construction, Tully
Construction and Tishman Construction./ Other sub-contractors were hired
to complete the actual debris removal. Most of these companies were
suspected of being associated with organized crime. Some were reportedly
linked to the Colombo crime family, including Civetta Cousins, and
Yonkers Contracting. Others were associated with the Luchese crime
family./ The cleanup operations were ultimately consolidated under the
control of two of the primary contractors: AMEC Construction Management
and Bovis Lend Lease. At the time of the 9/11 attacks, the CEO of AMEC
Construction was Peter Janson, a long-time business associate of Donald
Rumsfeld. Under Janson’s leadership, AMEC had just completed a $258
million refurbishment of Wedge 1 of the Pentagon, exactly where AA
Flight 77 impacted the building./ The debris removed from Ground Zero
was either hauled away on trucks or shipped away on barges. Despite the
effort to rapidly dispose of the steel and sell it a bargain price, the
WTC debris was considered highly sensitive. At first the trucks were
tracked using a paper-based system, and later GPS devices were fixed to
each truck with “antennas to monitor location, cellular wireless
antennas to communicate, and multiple I/Os to track vehicle signals from
engine systems.” Apparently it was important for officials to know not
only where the trucks were at any given time, but also the status of the
engine. As for the barges, the process was setup “in record time,” in
order to “transport debris to the city’s Fresh Kills landfill and to
recycling sites, all scrutinized by the Corps of Engineers.”/ As the
debris was received at Fresh Kills landfill, it was sorted carefully.
This sorting process was supervised by federal agents, and described in
this way: “Teams of officers and agents watch as the rubble is sifted
down to a fine ashy silt that they then rake through by hand.” More than
a year later, FBI agents reported the theft of some of this debris at
the Fresh Kills site. It was discovered that Evidence Recovery Teams
(ERTs) involved in the sorting process stole pieces of debris, and kept
or disposed of them. This removal of debris was condoned and encouraged
by the FBI agents in charge./ Pat D’Amuro, later an employee of Giuliani
Partners, was involved in the theft of WTC debris from the Fresh Kills
site. D’Amuro had specifically requested that certain kinds of items be
kept for his retrieval, ostensibly so that he could give them away as
mementos to various dignitaries./ D’Amuro had been the counterterrorism
chief in the FBI’s New York City office since 1997 and was put in charge
of the PENTTBOM investigation just after the 9/11 attacks. PENTTBOM
stood for Pentagon/Twin Towers Bombing and was notable for the rapidity
in which the case was solved. U.S. authorities claimed to have had no
knowledge of or ability to stop the 9/11 attacks yet the FBI was able to
identify all nineteen alleged hijackers within 72 hours ... +
+ ... It [the landfill] was first re-opened on Sept. 12, 2001, the day
after the terrorist attack — and six months after Staten Islanders
thought it was shuttered for good ... +
In the quoted passage (pp. 168-169) Pynchon suggests that the
preparations for the re-opening of the landfill had taken place BEFORE
the towers collapsed ...
Am 01.09.2018 um 15:28 schrieb Kai Frederik Lorentzen:
"Island of Meadows" is what's written on the page but Isle of Meadows
seems to be meant.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
Am 01.09.2018 um 14:51 schrieb ish mailian:
Did P write **Island of Meadows** ? The Isle of Meadows in NYC is
conflated here with the **Island of Meadows** a bombing island?
Or a typo?
Isle of Meadows is a 100-acre (0.40 km2) uninhabited island in the New
York City borough of Staten Island in the United States. It is located
along the western side of Staten Island, where Fresh Kills empties
into the Arthur Kill. The island is owned by the city of New York. In
the 1990s, the island nearly became part of the Fresh Kills
Landfill.[citation needed] It is now a nature preserve providing
important meadow and salt marsh nesting habitat for herons, ibises,
and egrets, and is not accessible to the public.[1]
On Sat, Sep 1, 2018 at 8:46 AM ish mailian wrote:
Am 02.09.2018 um 14:19 schrieb jody2.718:
+ ... " the intersection of Fresh and Arthur Kills, toxicity
central, the dark focus of Big Apple waste disposal, everything the city
has rejected so it can keep pretending to be itself... " [BE, p. 166] ... +
On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 6:36 AM Kai Frederik Lorentzen wrote
... The industrial racket from back in the marshland behind the giant
cliffs of ruin has grown continuous. Now and then workers, in
long-standing Sanitation Department tradition, have lengthy exhilarated
screaming exchanges. "Strange shift to be working," it seems to Maxine.
"Yeah. Nice overtime for somebody. Almost like they're up to something
they don't want anybody to know about."
"When did anybody ever want to know?" March lapsing for a moment into
the bag-lady character in her commencement speech at Kugelblitz, the one
person dedicated to salvaging everything the city wants to deny. "Either
they're playing catch-up or they're getting it ready to open for dump
business again."
A presidential visit? Somebody's making a movie? Who knows.
Early seagulls show up from somewhere, begin inspecting the menu. The
sky takes on a brushed-aluminum underglow. A night heron with breakfast
in its beak ascends from its long watch at the edge of the Island of
Meadows ...
Bleeding Edge, pp. 168-169
> On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 11:17 AM rich <richard.romeo at
> <mailto:richard.romeo at>> wrote:
> 'yeah, well, that's just like their opinion, man'
> On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 6:28 AM Kai Frederik Lorentzen
> <lorentzen at <mailto:lorentzen at>>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Pynchon-L:
> >
> --
> Pynchon-L:
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