Great Thread on 5GW in Ukraine

Mark Kohut mark.kohut at
Sat Oct 10 10:53:45 UTC 2020

Thanks, Thomas, we know where we stand. I meant "crazy" colloquially, of

"still turn out to be worse than anyone else"? What more do you need
to see? (Never mind, just me being rhetorical)

You would not have voted for Clinton, nor Trump. I see. Thanks for
clarifying and yes, I remember
your argument yet I remember you did not agree with all I wrote about the
dangers of Trump.

So it goes.

Throughout history, many, perhaps like you in this case, state truths that
others can't see. Such as "defining event of the
human species". I'm too unorginal and stupid to see it, if so.

Got any more Acquinas to share? When did he say human life began with
fetuses? has come up
in local discussions of our theocratic Supremes. I know Augustine, around
four months at "quickening".

On Sat, Oct 10, 2020 at 6:38 AM Thomas Eckhardt <thomas.eckhardt at>

> Am 10.10.2020 um 02:38 schrieb Mark Kohut:
> > Crazy words, simply self-justifyingly crazy on Ukraine...."Most
> > decisive event of the human species".....Gone, Thomas, you're are gone.
> > I will never read another word on Ukraine at this site from you.
> It was the beginning of the New Cold War. We narrowly escaped a nuclear
> war during the first one. We may not be so lucky this time. How is this
> hard to understand, let alone "crazy"?
> > Tell me again, Mr. Insightful Current Affairs Historian why Clinton was
> > a worse candidate than Trump in 2016.
> Easy. My argument at the time would have been based on this:
> 'Retired senior US military pilots are increasingly alarmed that Hillary
> Clinton’s proposal for “no-fly zones” in Syria could lead to a military
> confrontation with Russia that could escalate to levels that were
> previously unthinkable in the post-cold war world.'
> 'His successor, Joseph Dunford, told the Senate last month that a no-fly
> zone would “require us to go to war against Syria and Russia” before
> walking his assessment back under pressure from proposal advocate John
> McCain.'
> Nevertheless, I would never have voted for Trump. And, of course, he and
> the despicable Mike Pompeo may still turn out to be worse than anybody
> else.

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