AtD: Renfrew and Werfner

Gary Webb gwebb8686 at
Wed Sep 30 16:57:04 UTC 2020

I agree...the author suffers from acute “perfidious Albion” syndrome... everyone in power (and yes, this includes FDR & Churchill) made horrible fucking decisions, and they didn’t bate an eyelash incinerating 10s of thousands of people... it was an annihilationist war, in the worst possible way... that ended with weapons which have the capacity to end life on the planet as we know, a first in human history... young people should be seriously dissuaded not to LARP the shitty totalitarian politics of the 20th Century... it probably won’t end like you think it will, and more than likely you’re probably not acting in your groups, or your own, best interest... 

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> On Sep 30, 2020, at 8:57 AM, Richard Romeo <richard.romeo at> wrote:
> Whoa. Reading the intro all I could think was what Windust says in BE: ‘no one is that good’
>> On Sep 29, 2020, at 12:19 PM, Gary Webb <gwebb8686 at> wrote:
>> this is very interesting...I’ve been reading this book that presents an alternate view of the events leading up to WWII... and the geopolitics of the late 19th -Early 20th Century a la Mackinder & Haushofer (renfrew/werfner)... I’m not a WWII revisionist by any means but you get the same alternative viewpoint presented in the book below in GR as well... 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Sep 29, 2020, at 11:06 AM, matthew cissell <mccissell at> wrote:
>>> Howdy folks,
>>> I came across this the other day; maybe someone has already shared this.
>>> It seems the characters Renfrew and Werfner might be based on historical
>>> figures. Shocking right, cause TP never does that.
>>> At it is claimed
>>> that "This is the case, for example, with the novel’s two geographers,
>>> British and German, modelled on the real-world figures H.J. Mackinder
>>> <> and Karl Haushofer
>>> <>." It goes on to talk about
>>> Mackinder's Heartland Theory.
>>> An interesting addition to the depth of AtD.
>>> Ciao
>>> mc
>>> <>
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>>> de virus.
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